Acronym | Definition |
CCM | Comment Ca Marche (French: How It Works) |
CCM | Contemporary Christian Music |
CCM | Crisis Centre Ministries (UK) |
CCM | CMOS (Complementary-Symmetry Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) Camera Module |
CCM | Critical Care Medicine |
CCM | Canadian Children's Museum |
CCM | Certified Case Manager |
CCM | Cerberus Capital Management (New York, NY) |
CCM | Continuous Conduction Mode |
CCM | County College of Morris (New Jersey) |
CCM | Certified Construction Manager (Construction Management Association of America) |
CCM | Chama Cha Mapinduzi (political party, Tanzania) |
CCM | Customer Communications Management |
CCM | Cadastro de Contribuintes Mobiliários (Portuguese: Register of Securities Contributors; Brazil) |
CCM | Cisco Call Manager |
CCM | Convention on Cluster Munitions (est. 2008) |
CCM | Christian Council of Mozambique (est. 1948) |
CCM | Call Center Management |
CCM | CORBA Component Model |
CCM | Companies Commission of Malaysia (est. 2002) |
CCM | Configuration and Change Management (computing) |
CCM | Central Committee Member (Tanzania) |
CCM | Classical Chinese Medicine |
CCM | Christian Contemporary Music |
CCM | Centre for Coastal Management (Australia) |
CCM | Counter with CBC-MAC |
CCM | Chromatographie sur Couche Mince (French: Thin Layer Chromatography) |
CCM | Continuous Current Mode |
CCM | Continuous Control Monitoring (management software) |
CCM | Customer Communication Management |
CCM | Cisco Configmaker |
CCM | Counter Mode with Cbc Mac |
CCM | Corel Color Manager |
CCM | Carbon Ceramic Material |
CCM | Clock Control Module |
CCM | Computational Cognitive Model |
CCM | Climate Control Module |
CCM | Change and Configuration Management |
CCM | Coupled Cluster Method (mathematical technique) |
CCM | Chicago Chamber Musicians (Chicago, IL) |
CCM | Council of the Common Market |
CCM | Construction Cost Management (various locations) |
CCM | Centre Cinématographique Marocain (French: Moroccan Cinematographic Center; Morocco) |
CCM | Center for Composite Materials |
CCM | Concerned Citizens Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis) |
CCM | Community Climate Model |
CCM | Consultative Committee Meeting (various locations) |
CCM | Cerebral Cavernous Malformations |
CCM | Contemporary Crafts Market (California) |
CCM | Cubic Centimeter |
CCM | Command and Control Module (US Air Force) |
CCM | Configuration Control and Management (US DoD) |
CCM | Compagnie Corse Méditerranée (French airline; now Air Corsica) |
CCM | Combined Cipher Machine (cryptography) |
CCM | Certified Cash Manager |
CCM | Chicago Classical Music (website) |
CCM | Certified Consulting Meteorologist |
CCM | Cincinnati Conservatory of Music |
CCM | Clinical Case Manager (insurance carriers) |
CCM | Calcium Citrate Malate (dietary calcium supplement) |
CCM | Cross Country Mobility |
CCM | Certified Club Manager (Club Managers Association of America) |
CCM | Civilian Crisis Management (EU) |
CCM | Continuous Casting Machine (metallurgy) |
CCM | Cross-Country Movement |
CCM | Called to Common Mission |
CCM | Command Chief Master Sergeant (USAF) |
CCM | Custom Content Management (software) |
CCM | Collector's Choice Music (music retailer and record label) |
CCM | Center for Campus Ministry (various locations) |
CCM | Center for Citizen Media (Harvard University; Boston, MA) |
CCM | Custom Computing Machine |
CCM | Cost Center Manager |
CCM | Comitato Collaborazione Medica |
CCM | Credentialed Career Master |
CCM | Corporate Compliance Manager (various businesses) |
CCM | Curriculum Committee Meeting (various schools) |
CCM | City College Manchester (UK) |
CCM | Current Calendar Month (various locations) |
CCM | Customer Contact Manager |
CCM | Counter-Counter Measure |
CCM | Change Configuration Management |
CCM | Central Configuration Manager (computer server management tool) |
CCM | Comprehensive Case Management |
CCM | Corporate Case Management |
CCM | Central Control Module (automotive) |
CCM | Communications in Contemporary Mathematics |
CCM | Capital Children's Museum (Washington, DC) |
CCM | Carbon Concentrating Mechanism |
CCM | Commission Centrale des Marchés (French: Central Markets Committee; various locations) |
CCM | Consortium for Conservation Medicine |
CCM | Congress Centrum Mainz (Germany) |
CCM | Custom Course Material (Canada) |
CCM | Countrywide Capital Markets (various locations) |
CCM | Chinese Christian Mission |
CCM | Continuous Customer Management |
CCM | Codec Control Message |
CCM | Call Control Manager |
CCM | Contiguous Connection Model |
CCM | College Cardinal Mercier (Belgium) |
CCM | Certified Court Manager (various locations) |
CCM | Chemical Cleavage of Mismatch |
CCM | Constant Coding and Modulation |
CCM | Constant Correlation Model |
CCM | Centro de Control de Motores |
CCM | Close Combat Marines (gaming) |
CCM | Chemical Company of Malaysia Bhd. (est. 1930) |
CCM | Client Connection Manager (Microsoft) |
CCM | Commercial Content Management (software) |
CCM | Confessing Church Movement |
CCM | California Citrus Mutual |
CCM | Center for Conflict Management |
CCM | Consulting Concepts and Management (Memphis, TN) |
CCM | Canada Cycle & Motor (hockey equipment manufacturer) |
CCM | Credit Card Monitor |
CCM | Collaborative Collection Management (libraries; UK) |
CCM | Commerzbank Capital Markets (Germany) |
CCM | Census Coverage Measurement (US Census Bureau) |
CCM | Conventional Cruise Missile |
CCM | Certified Care Manager (gerontology) |
CCM | Coghill Capital Management (investing; Chicago, IL) |
CCM | Cross Cultural Ministries |
CCM | Critical Chain Management (project management methodology) |
CCM | Communauté de Communes de Montesquieu (French: Montesquieu Community of Communes) |
CCM | Canadian College of Microbiologists (Collège Canadien des Microbiologistes) |
CCM | Conceptual Change Model |
CCM | Computational Chemistry and Materials Science |
CCM | Client-Consultant Meeting |
CCM | Clinical Care Manager (insurance carriers) |
CCM | Clews Competition Motorcycles |
CCM | Centre Cardio-Thoracique de Monaco (French: Cardio-Thoracic Center of Monaco; est. 1987; Monaco) |
CCM | Community Corrections Manager (US Bureau of Prisons) |
CCM | Certified Credit Manager (professional accreditation) |
CCM | Content Component Management (software) |
CCM | Current Cost Multiplier (finance) |
CCM | Chesapeake Children's Museum |
CCM | Certified Concession Manager (National Association of Concessionaires certification) |
CCM | Concurrency Control Mechanism |
CCM | Combined Coding Machine |
CCM | Conditioned Culture Medium |
CCM | Combatant Craft Medium (US DoD) |
CCM | Customer Centered Marketing |
CCM | Converged Call Management (NextStep Networks) |
CCM | Center for Countermeasures |
CCM | City College of Manila (Philippines) |
CCM | Compartment Content Management (software) |
CCM | Connaître et Combattre les Myélodysplasies (French: Knowing and Combating Myelodysplasia) |
CCM | Cristie Clonemanager (software) |
CCM | Citizenship Council of Manitoba (Canada) |
CCM | Certified Continuity Manager |
CCM | Concept Coherency Metric (software metric) |
CCM | Country Coordinated Mechanism |
CCM | Center for Case Management, Inc. |
CCM | Circuit (Supervision) Message (ITU-T) |
CCM | Construction Claims Monthly |
CCM | Comprehensive Client Manager (ON Command) |
CCM | Calvary Chapel Murrieta |
CCM | Cross-Correlation Matrix |
CCM | Controlled Carrier Modulation |
CCM | Centre de Conférences Ministériel (French: Ministerial Conference Center) |
CCM | Conference of Commonwealth Meteorologists (UK) |
CCM | Centre de Commutation du Service Mobile (French) |
CCM | Crew/Cargo Module |
CCM | Call Connection Management |
CCM | Connecticut Council of Masajid |
CCM | Constrained Constant Modulus |
CCM | Center for Crisis Management |
CCM | Complex Coordinate Method |
CCM | Carrier Controlled Modulation |
CCM | Channel Cost Metric |
CCM | Customer Change Management |
CCM | Cancer Care Manitoba (Canada) |
CCM | Command Country Manager |
CCM | Caisse Chirurgicale Mutualiste (French: Surgical Mutualist Fund; health insurance) |
CCM | Common Channel Module |
CCM | Centre de Consultation en Mathématiques (French: Mathematics Counseling Center; Canada) |
CCM | Community of College Ministers |
CCM | Communications Controller Multichannel |
CCM | Configuration Control Model |
CCM | Common Channel Manager |
CCM | Club de Consultation en Management (French: Management Consulting Club; Canada) |
CCM | Clutter Covariance Matrix |
CCM | Cross-Connect Map (Alcatel) |
CCM | Concepteur Constructeur Matériels (French packaging materials manufacturer) |
CCM | Communications Code Matrix |
CCM | Computer Containment Module |
CCM | Circumcenter Method |
CCM | Communications Control Mode |
CCM | Control Command Module |
CCM | CINC COP Manager (GCCS) |
CCM | Control Coordination Message |
CCM | Coordination Control Member |
CCM | Centre Commun de Microscopie (French: Joint Center for Microscopy; University of Lille; Lille, France) |
CCM | CATIA Configuration Management |
CCM | Connect Control Manager (Sprint) |
CCM | Centre de Caractérisation des Matériaux (French: Materials Characterization Center; Canada) |
CCM | Circuit Card Module |
CCM | Cycler Control Module |
CCM | Common Capability Model |
CCM | Command Center Maintenance |
CCM | Configuration Control Manual |
CCM | Commercial Communication Manager |
CCM | Computer Controlled Message |
CCM | Circulate and Condition Mud (Oil & Gas Drilling) |