Acronym | Definition |
CVR | Cover |
CVR | Cover (postal stationery) |
CVR | Cockpit Voice Recorder |
CVR | Concealed Vertical Rod |
CVR | Combat Vehicle Recconaissance (armored fighting vehicles; various locations) |
CVR | Configuration Verification Review |
CVR | Change Verification Record |
CVR | Circuit Validation Response |
CVR | Contraceptive Vaginal Ring (drug delivery device) |
CVR | CPAM (Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation) Volume Ratio (cardiology) |
CVR | Computerized Vehicle Registration |
CVR | Conversion Rate |
CVR | Cultivar |
CVR | Contingent Value Right (stock) |
CVR | Centre for Vision Research (York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
CVR | Certified Verbatim Reporter |
CVR | Central Valley Reefers |
CVR | Communauté de Communes du Vendômois Rural (French: Community of Municipalities of Rural Vendôme; Vendôme, France) |
CVR | Central Business Register (Denmark) |
CVR | Conservation Voltage Reduction (power industry) |
CVR | Circuits Voyages Renaux (French travel agency) |
CVR | Cardiac Valve Regurgitation |
CVR | Claye Véhicule Rétro (French automobile club) |
CVR | Cardiovascular Recovery |
CVR | Cost Value Reconciliation |
CVR | Compagnie Vinicole des Rivesaltes (French winery) |
CVR | Continuously Variable Regulator |
CVR | Controlled Ventricular Response |
CVR | Cell Delay Variation |
CVR | Conservation Voltage Regulation (energy conservation) |
CVR | Content Validity Ratio (Statistical analysis) |
CVR | Code de la Voirie Routière (French: Code of Road Traffic) |
CVR | Chemical Vapor Reaction |
CVR | Center Vertical Restraint |
CVR | Contributor Value Rating (sports statistic) |
CVR | Current Viewing Resistor |
CVR | Crystal Video Receiver |
CVR | Centralized Voter Registration |
CVR | Chapter-Verse Reference |
CVR | Change Verification Record (NASA) |
CVR | Computer Voice Response |
CVR | Classified Visit Request |
CVR | Converted Rights |
CVR | Centrale Virksomheds Registrering (number) |
CVR | Cost Variance Report |
CVR | Credential Verification Review (New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General) |
CVR | Cost, Value and Risk |