Acronym | Definition |
BPM | Business Process Management |
BPM | Business Process Modeling |
BPM | Beats Per Minute (heart or music) |
BPM | Business Performance Management |
BPM | Blood Pressure Monitor (various companies) |
BPM | Best Practice Methodology |
BPM | Best Practice Management (various organizations) |
BPM | Banca Popolare di Milano (Italian bank) |
BPM | British Prime Minister (UK) |
BPM | Blows Per Minute |
BPM | Black Power Movement |
BPM | Business Process Monitor (Hewlett-Packard software) |
BPM | Beam Position Monitor |
BPM | Beam Positron Monitoring (imaging) |
BPM | Backup Memory |
BPM | Beats per Minute |
BPM | Broadband Policy Manager |
BPM | Broadband Provisioning Manager |
BPM | Breaths Per Minute |
BPM | Business Performance Measurement |
BPM | Bound Printed Matter (US Postal Service) |
BPM | Beam Propagation Method |
BPM | Bank Pertanian Malaysia |
BPM | Battement par Minute (French: Beats per Minute) |
BPM | Best Practice Model |
BPM | Best Practicable Means |
BPM | Black Plastic Mulch |
BPM | Business Planning Meeting (various organizations) |
BPM | Brushless Permanent Magnet |
BPM | Balance of Payments Manual |
BPM | Batch Process Monitor |
BPM | Barrels Per Minute (flow rate of Oil producing wells) |
BPM | Basic Perinatal Matrices |
BPM | Biens Publics Mondiaux (French: Global Public Goods) |
BPM | Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij (Dutch) |
BPM | Basic Pleasure Model (band) |
BPM | Business Program Manager |
BPM | Buchstaben Pro Minute (German: letters per minute) |
BPM | Borel Probability Measure |
BPM | Bubbles Per Minute |
BPM | Business Process Manual |
BPM | Birds Per Minute |
BPM | Birefringent Phase Matching |
BPM | Bytes Per Minute |
BPM | Buenas Practicas Manufactureras (Guatemala) |
BPM | Bureau de Poste Militaire (Canada Post) |
BPM | Benefit Policy Manual (Medicare; US DHHS) |
BPM | Black Powder Music (France) |
BPM | Batch Processing Monitor |
BPM | Bills Per Minute (billing software application performance measurement) |
BPM | Biological Production Module |
BPM | Black ProMist (camera filter) |
BPM | Bi-Phase Modulator |
BPM | Belasting van Personenautos en Motorrijwielen (Dutch automobile tax) |
BPM | Bill Payment Machine |
BPM | Brigada Policía Militar (Guatemala) |
BPM | Battery Pack Monitor |
BPM | Bonnes Pratiques Médicales (French: Good Medical Practices) |
BPM | Basic Parameters Module |
BPM | Background Processing Management |
BPM | Buffer Pool Manager |
BPM | Bathy-Photometer (oceanography) |