BPNBadan Pertanahan Nasional (Indonesian: National Land Agency)
BPNBanco Português de Negócios (Portuguese bank)
BPNBerkeley Parents Network (est. 1993; Berkeley, CA)
BPNBanca Popolare Di Novara (Italian bank)
BPNBackpropagation Network
BPNBusiness Preferred Network (various companies)
BPNBusiness Partner Network
BPNBest Practice Network
BPNBronchopneumonia (lungs)
BPNBusiness Professional Network
BPNBiopartnering North America
BPNBusiness Process Network (supply chain execution)
BPNBuilding Preservation Notice (UK)
BPNBanque Populaire du Nord (French bank)
BPNBlack Peace Now (clothing brand in Japan)
BPNBureau Politique National (French: National Political Bureau; various nations)
BPNBritish Pendulum Number (surface friction property)
BPNBloc Primaire Numérique
BPNBulletProof Nerds (gaming community)
BPNBusiness Partner Number
BPNBâtiments à Propulsion Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Powered Vessels)
BPNBreakdown Pulse Noise
BPNBrevard Professional Network
BPNBudget Project Number
BPNBoundary Point of Entry
BPNBibliothèque Provençale Numérique (French: Regional Digital Library)
BPNNational Land Affairs Agency of Indonesia
BPNBinary Pseudo-Noise
BPNBusiness Permit Number
BPNBobine de Point Neutre (French: Neutral Point Coil)
BPNBrand Profilers Network (Geneva, Switzerland)
BPNBandwidth Preemption with Negotiation (architecture for MPLS networks)
BPNBloody Public Nuisance