CIMECenter for International Media Ethics (est. 2007)
CIMECommittee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises (OECD)
CIMECentro Internazionale Matematico Estivo
CIMECertified Independent Medical Examiner (American Board of Independent Medical Examiners)
CIMECentre Interdisciplinaire de Microscopie Electronique (French: Interdisciplinary Center of Electron Microscopy; Switzerland)
CIMECoppell International Music Exchange (Coppell, TX)
CIMEComputer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering
CIMEComitato Italiano Movimento Europeo (Italian: International Committee for European Migration)
CIMECursus Intégré pour la Mobilité des Étudiants (French: Integrated Curriculum for Student Mobility)
CIMECreativity and Innovation in Micro-Enterprises (EU)
CIMECentral Institute on Mechanical Engineering