Acronym | Definition |
BMR | Basal Metabolic Rate |
BMR | Bare Metal Recovery (computing) |
BMR | Below Market Rate |
BMR | Backlog of Maintenance Repair |
BMR | Bare Metal Restore (reformatting a computer from scratch after a catastrophic failure) |
BMR | Bacteries Multiresistantes (French) |
BMR | Brecon Mountain Railway (Wales, UK) |
BMR | Bomber |
BMR | Bureau of Mineral Resources (Australia) |
BMR | Bio-Medical Research Ltd. (Galway, Ireland) |
BMR | Brown Midrib |
BMR | Bare Machine Recovery (IBM) |
BMR | British Music Rights |
BMR | Broadband Multimedia-Service-Router |
BMR | Biblioteca Marcel Roche (Spanish: Marcel Roche Library; Venezuela) |
BMR | Bureau of Market Research (South Africa) |
BMR | Baseline Monitoring Report |
BMR | Basic Military Requirements |
BMR | Ballistic Magnetoresistance |
BMR | Base Mortgage Rate |
BMR | Blue Moon Rising |
BMR | Budget Monitoring Report (various locations) |
BMR | Blindado Medio de Ruedas (Spanish manufactured light armored vehicle) |
BMR | Bois Massif Reconstitué (French: Reconstituted Solid Wood; construction product) |
BMR | Builders Marketing Resource, Inc. (DeBary, FL) |
BMR | Burst-Mode Receiver |
BMR | Balancing, Modernization and Replacement (Pakistan) |
BMR | Boulder Mountain Ranch |
BMR | Bearingless Main Rotor |
BMR | Building Maintenance Repairer (various locations) |
BMR | Blue Mountain Region |
BMR | Blind Movie Reviewer (radio station guest) |
BMR | Bodega Marine Reserve (California) |
BMR | Biological Magnetic Resonance |
BMR | Bathmaster Reglazing Ltd. |
BMR | Brain-Mind Research |
BMR | Batch Manufacturing Record |
BMR | Blue Mesa Review |
BMR | Bibliothèque Municipale de Rouen (French: Rouen Public Library; University of Rouen; Rouen, France) |
BMR | Bureau of Mine Reclamation |
BMR | Bentonite Mud Remover |
BMR | Blind Man's Rainbow |
BMR | Body Magnetic Resonance (radiology) |
BMR | Base-line Monitoring Report |
BMR | Biomedical Management Resources |
BMR | Batch Mode Release |
BMR | Bull Moose Republicans |
BMR | Bi-Weekly Mortgage Reduction |
BMR | Big Man Run |
BMR | Black Mark Remover |
BMR | Bald Mountain Rounders (band) |
BMR | Business Management Representative |
BMR | Baseline Module Requirement |
BMR | Battle Tech Master Rules (gaming) |
BMR | Baltic Match Race |
BMR | Black Monopoly Records |
BMR | Basic Microcomputing Resource |
BMR | Basic Mission Ready |
BMR | Believing Magic Resistance |
BMR | Belgisch Militair Register |
BMR | Bagheera Murena Rancho (French car club) |
BMR | Basic Mission Report |
BMR | Bureau Maitrise des Risques (French: Risk Management Office) |
BMR | Bullseye Marketing Research, Inc. |
BMR | Bearing Missile Relative |
BMR | Brigade Mobile Reserve |
BMR | Beguelyn Moto Racing (French motorcycle dealer) |
BMR | Base Metal Repair (valve/pipe weld repair method) |
BMR | Balnéothérapie Massages Rééducation (French: Hydrotherapy Massage Rehabilitation) |
BMR | Behaviour Modification Regime (New Zealand Department of Corrections) |
BMR | Broderie, Mercerie, Retouches (French embroidery company) |
BMR | Budget Mensualisé Révisable (French: Reviewable Monthly Budget; Euromaster) |
BMR | Bachelor of Mental Retardation |