BMRBasal Metabolic Rate
BMRBare Metal Recovery (computing)
BMRBelow Market Rate
BMRBacklog of Maintenance Repair
BMRBare Metal Restore (reformatting a computer from scratch after a catastrophic failure)
BMRBacteries Multiresistantes (French)
BMRBrecon Mountain Railway (Wales, UK)
BMRBureau of Mineral Resources (Australia)
BMRBio-Medical Research Ltd. (Galway, Ireland)
BMRBrown Midrib
BMRBare Machine Recovery (IBM)
BMRBritish Music Rights
BMRBroadband Multimedia-Service-Router
BMRBiblioteca Marcel Roche (Spanish: Marcel Roche Library; Venezuela)
BMRBureau of Market Research (South Africa)
BMRBaseline Monitoring Report
BMRBasic Military Requirements
BMRBallistic Magnetoresistance
BMRBase Mortgage Rate
BMRBlue Moon Rising
BMRBudget Monitoring Report (various locations)
BMRBlindado Medio de Ruedas (Spanish manufactured light armored vehicle)
BMRBois Massif Reconstitué (French: Reconstituted Solid Wood; construction product)
BMRBuilders Marketing Resource, Inc. (DeBary, FL)
BMRBurst-Mode Receiver
BMRBalancing, Modernization and Replacement (Pakistan)
BMRBoulder Mountain Ranch
BMRBearingless Main Rotor
BMRBuilding Maintenance Repairer (various locations)
BMRBlue Mountain Region
BMRBlind Movie Reviewer (radio station guest)
BMRBodega Marine Reserve (California)
BMRBiological Magnetic Resonance
BMRBathmaster Reglazing Ltd.
BMRBrain-Mind Research
BMRBatch Manufacturing Record
BMRBlue Mesa Review
BMRBibliothèque Municipale de Rouen (French: Rouen Public Library; University of Rouen; Rouen, France)
BMRBureau of Mine Reclamation
BMRBentonite Mud Remover
BMRBlind Man's Rainbow
BMRBody Magnetic Resonance (radiology)
BMRBase-line Monitoring Report
BMRBiomedical Management Resources
BMRBatch Mode Release
BMRBull Moose Republicans
BMRBi-Weekly Mortgage Reduction
BMRBig Man Run
BMRBlack Mark Remover
BMRBald Mountain Rounders (band)
BMRBusiness Management Representative
BMRBaseline Module Requirement
BMRBattle Tech Master Rules (gaming)
BMRBaltic Match Race
BMRBlack Monopoly Records
BMRBasic Microcomputing Resource
BMRBasic Mission Ready
BMRBelieving Magic Resistance
BMRBelgisch Militair Register
BMRBagheera Murena Rancho (French car club)
BMRBasic Mission Report
BMRBureau Maitrise des Risques (French: Risk Management Office)
BMRBullseye Marketing Research, Inc.
BMRBearing Missile Relative
BMRBrigade Mobile Reserve
BMRBeguelyn Moto Racing (French motorcycle dealer)
BMRBase Metal Repair (valve/pipe weld repair method)
BMRBalnéothérapie Massages Rééducation (French: Hydrotherapy Massage Rehabilitation)
BMRBehaviour Modification Regime (New Zealand Department of Corrections)
BMRBroderie, Mercerie, Retouches (French embroidery company)
BMRBudget Mensualisé Révisable (French: Reviewable Monthly Budget; Euromaster)
BMRBachelor of Mental Retardation