ANDAccess Network Design
ANDAllow Natural Death (medical charts)
ANDAndorra (International Auto Identifier)
ANDAlpha Numeric Display (aviation)
ANDAircraft Nose Down
ANDAnalytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data (Workshop)
ANDAssociazione Nazionale Docenti (Italian: National Association of Teachers)
ANDAid to the Needy Disabled (SSI)
ANDAssociation for the Neurologically Disabled of Canada
ANDActive Nutation Damping
ANDAutomatic Network Dialing
ANDAsiatic Newcastle Disease
ANDActive Network Diagram
ANDAlgorithmique Numérique Distribuée (French: Distributed Numerical Algorithms)
ANDAssociate Administrator for NAS (National Air Space) Development (FAA)
AND[not an acronym] logical operation where the output is high only if all inputs are high (electrical engineering)
ANDArgument Number Decrease