Acronym | Definition |
BIA | Business Improvement Area |
BIA | Bureau of Indian Affairs |
BIA | Business Impact Analysis (management analysis identifying the impacts of losing company resources; commonly part of a Business Recovery Plan) |
BIA | Building Industry Association |
BIA | Board of Immigration Appeals (US DOJ) |
BIA | Brothers in Arms (game) |
BIA | Bandaranaike International Airport (Sri Lanka) |
BIA | Business in Africa (magazine) |
BIA | Business Improvement Association (Canada) |
BIA | Bioelectric Impedance Analysis |
BIA | Baby in Arms |
BIA | Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) |
BIA | Brain Injury Association (USA) |
BIA | Brick Institute of America |
BIA | Bengaluru International Airport (Bangalore, India) |
BIA | Banque Internationale pour l'Afrique (French) |
BIA | Border & Immigration Agency (UK, formerly Immigration and Nationality Directorate) |
BIA | Business Intelligence Analytics |
BIA | Bioindustry Association (UK) |
BIA | BioIndustry Association |
BIA | Buffer Index Area |
BIA | Basic Internet Access |
BIA | Burned-in Address |
BIA | Business Impact Assessment |
BIA | Business Impact Analysis |
BIA | Brick Industry Association |
BIA | Boating Industry Association (now NMMA) |
BIA | Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique (French aeronautics diploma) |
BIA | Bastia, Corsica, France - Poretta (Airport Code) |
BIA | Bump in the API |
BIA | Baixo Impacto Ambiental (Portuguese: Low Environmental Impact; Brazil) |
BIA | Bezbednosno Informativna Agencija (Serbian intelligence agency) |
BIA | Bristol International Airport (UK) |
BIA | Breakfast in America (restaurant; Paris, France) |
BIA | Budget Implementation Act (various locations) |
BIA | Broadband Internet Access |
BIA | Business Intelligence Accelerator (software) |
BIA | Bureau of Immigration Appeals |
BIA | Bremer Innovations Agentur (German innovation support company) |
BIA | Bradley International Airport (Hartford, Connecticut) |
BIA | British Institute at Ankara (Ankara, Turkey) |
BIA | Burned-In (MAC) Address (Cisco) |
BIA | Basic Insurance Amount (federal government employee life insurance) |
BIA | Biospecific Interaction Analysis |
BIA | Broadmoor Improvement Association |
BIA | Bachelor of Industrial Administration |
BIA | Bicycle Institute of America |
BIA | Bio-Inspired Algorithm |
BIA | Business Improvement Architects (Canada) |
BIA | Barbecue Industry Association |
BIA | Bilateral Infrastructure Agreement (various locations) |
BIA | Bureau Issues Association (US agency) |
BIA | Boehringer Ingelheim Austria |
BIA | Binding Industries of America |
BIA | Bureau Informatisering Amsterdam (City of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) |
BIA | Best in America |
BIA | Board of Indian Affairs (state of Utah) |
BIA | Beef Improvement Association |
BIA | Banque Intercontinentale Arabe (French: Arab Intercontinental Bank) |
BIA | Bulletin d'Information Archéologique (French: Archaeological Information Bulletin) |
BIA | Bomb Impact Assessment |
BIA | Barbados Institute of Architects (Barbados) |
BIA | British Insurance Association (now ABI) |
BIA | Bilingual Interactive Activation Model |
BIA | Bus Interface Adapter |
BIA | Ball Image Analyzer |
BIA | Bulk Inversion Asymmetry |
BIA | Biométrie et Intelligence Artificielle (French: Biometrics and Artificial Intelligence) |
BIA | Business Internet Analytics (Microsoft initiative) |
BIA | British Irish Association |
BIA | Bureau d'Information Aéronautique (French) |
BIA | Business Intelligence Associates, Inc |
BIA | Braille Institute of America, Inc. |
BIA | Busqueda de Inteligencia Artificial (Spanish) |
BIA | Book Income Adjustment (tax) |
BIA | Buses International Association |
BIA | Base Information Analysis |
BIA | Boost, Insertion, and Abort |
BIA | Born Into Ashes (band) |
BIA | Broadband Internetwork Analyzer |
BIA | Baccalauréat en Informatique Appliquée (Bachelor in Data Sciences) |