BIBBibliography (File Name Extension)
BIBBring It Back
BIBBoys in Blue (police)
BIBBack in Business
BIBBottled in Bond (liquor label)
BIBBoys in Brown (Thai Police)
BIBBag-In-Box (theater refreshment container)
BIBBuilt in Ballast (bulbs)
BIBBerufsverband Information Bibliothek
BIBBack in Black
BIBBusiness Internet Banking
BIBBackward Indicator Bit
BIBBoot Indicator Bytes
BIBBillion Byte
BIBBoot Is Blocked
BIBBravo Interface Binder
BIBBurn-In Board (various companies)
BIBBigger Is Better
BIBBit in Bold (Internet slang)
BIBBlocked Impurity Band
BIBBrought In By
BIBBoard for International Broadcasting
BIBBritish Interactive Broadcasting
BIBBalanced Incomplete Block
BIBBackward Indicator Bit (SS7 MTP Layer 2)
BIBBildungszentrum für Informationsverarbeitende Berufe (German)
BIBBachelor of International Business
BIBBetter Internet Bureau
BIBBus Interface Board
BIBBaby's in Black (Beatles song)
BIBBancafe International Bank (Barbados)
BIBBroadcast Information Bureau
BIBBoat Information Book
BIBBuilt-In Breathing (system)
BIBBonos de Indemnización Bancaria (Spanish: Bank Compensation Bonds)
BIBBilling Incentive Bonus (rewards program)
BIBCollectie Bibliografische en Naslagwerken
BIBBreak-In Box
BIBBureau of International Broadcasting
BIBBusiness Investment Board
BIBBerufsverband Information Bibliothek eV