Acronym | Definition |
CFA | Chartered Financial Analyst |
CFA | Country Fire Authority (Victoria State, Australia) |
CFA | College of Fine Arts |
CFA | Center For Astrophysics (Cambridge, MA) |
CFA | Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. |
CFA | California Faculty Association |
CFA | Canadian Franchise Association |
CFA | Consumer Federation of America |
CFA | Chick-fil-A |
CFA | Center For Architecture (JIEO) |
CFA | Color Filter Array |
CFA | Certified Financial Analyst (professional certification) |
CFA | Commercial Finance Association |
CFA | Commission for Africa (est. 2004) |
CFA | Conselho Federal de Administração (Brazil) |
CFA | Canadian Field Artillery |
CFA | Confirmatory Factor Analysis |
CFA | Communaute Financiere Africaine (French: African Financial Community) |
CFA | Center for Financial Analysis (various schools) |
CFA | Center for the Future of Arizona (est. 2002) |
CFA | Canadian Federation of Agriculture |
CFA | Cutting for Approval (fabric) |
CFA | Corporate Finance Associates (various locations) |
CFA | Commonwealth Financing Authority (Pennsylvania) |
CFA | Complete Freund's Adjuvant |
CFA | Cycling for All (various locations) |
CFA | Common Formative Assessment (education) |
CFA | Cape Fear Academy (Wilmington, NC) |
CFA | Chiba Football Association (Japan) |
CFA | Colonization Factor Antigen |
CFA | Cold Fusion Administrator |
CFA | Compact Flash Adapter |
CFA | Compact Flash Association |
CFA | Cease-Fire Agreement |
CFA | Commission of Fine Arts (Washington, DC) |
CFA | Conditions for Acceptance (various organizations) |
CFA | Chicago Film Archives (est.2003; Chicago, IL) |
CFA | Chinese Football Association |
CFA | Compassion for Animals (various organizations) |
CFA | CompactFlash Association |
CFA | Committee on Finance and Administration (various organizations) |
CFA | Central Facilities Area |
CFA | Compact of Free Association (Micronesia) |
CFA | Commonwealth Forestry Association (UK) |
CFA | Citizens Fire Academy (Arizona) |
CFA | Cryptogenic Fibrosing Alveolitis |
CFA | Call for Abstracts |
CFA | Council for Administration (UK) |
CFA | Continuous Flow Analysis |
CFA | California Fashion Association |
CFA | Clearing and Forwarding Agents |
CFA | Chilled Food Association (UK) |
CFA | Community Food Assessment |
CFA | Cystic Fibrosis in Australia |
CFA | Common Femoral Artery |
CFA | College Football Association |
CFA | Canadian Forestry Association |
CFA | Contract Flooring Association |
CFA | Centre for Archaeology (UK) |
CFA | Conditional Fee Arrangements (insurance) |
CFA | Constituency for Africa |
CFA | Current Feedback Amplifier |
CFA | Committee on Fiscal Affairs (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development) |
CFA | Confirmatory Factor Analytic (model) |
CFA | Connecting Facility Assignment |
CFA | Certificate in Financial Administration |
CFA | Chicago Fire Academy (est. 2007; soccer; Chicago, IL) |
CFA | Control Flow Analysis |
CFA | California Forestry Association |
CFA | Communauté Financière d'afrique (French: African Financial Community) |
CFA | Craniofacial Anomaly |
CFA | Canadian Film Awards |
CFA | City Financial Associates (UK) |
CFA | Canned Food Alliance |
CFA | Core Focus Area (various organizations) |
CFA | Campus Freethought Alliance |
CFA | Catfish Farmers of America |
CFA | Coefficient of Fat Absorption |
CFA | Concrete Foundations Association |
CFA | Come from Away (Newfoundland, Canada) |
CFA | Central Fiscal Authority (Kosovo) |
CFA | Conditioned Floor Area (heating & cooling) |
CFA | Certified Forensic Accountant |
CFA | Corporate Financial Advisory |
CFA | Certified Financial Accountant (professional certification) |
CFA | Continence Foundation of Australia |
CFA | Code Field Address |
CFA | Cognizant Federal Agency |
CFA | Community Forestry Assistance (various locations) |
CFA | Conservation Finance Alliance (biodiversity funding organization; est. 2002) |
CFA | Carbon Forum Asia (trade fair) |
CFA | Call for Action, Inc. |
CFA | Children Fund Afghanistan |
CFA | Country of First Asylum |
CFA | Canadian Foundry Association |
CFA | Circus Fans Association of America |
CFA | Case For Action |
CFA | Covering Force Area |
CFA | Canadian Flag Association |
CFA | Comité Français des Aérosols |
CFA | Carrier Facility Assignment |
CFA | Continuous Flight Auger Pile |
CFA | Communication Foundation for Asia |
CFA | Cognizant Field Activity |
CFA | Centre de Formations d'Apprentis (France) |
CFA | Cemetery and Funeral Association (various locations) |
CFA | Confédération Française de l'Aviculture (French: French Confederation of Poultry) |
CFA | Cascadia Forest Alliance |
CFA | Cooperation Framework Agreement |
CFA | Craniofacial Foundation of America |
CFA | Consello d'A Fabla Aragonesa (Aragonese Language Council) |
CFA | Company Formation Agent (UK) |
CFA | Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (United Nations) |
CFA | Cloud Forest Alive (est. 1900; Canada) |
CFA | Conversation For Action |
CFA | Citizens Flag Alliance, Inc. |
CFA | Capability Focus Area (various organizations) |
CFA | Charles F. Adams (DDG-2, US Guided Destroyer Class ship) |
CFA | California Flight Academy |
CFA | Component Failure Analysis |
CFA | Chief Financial Advisor |
CFA | Cards from Africa (est. 2004) |
CFA | Controlled Firing Area (aviation) |
CFA | Crossed Field Amplifiers |
CFA | Cross Field Antenna |
CFA | Circuit Facility Assignment |
CFA | Cross Field Amplifier |
CFA | Carrier Failure Alarms |
CFA | Congressional Friends of Animals (US Congress) |
CFA | Current Files Area |
CFA | Commission for Law Enforcement Accreditation |
CFA | California Fertilizer Association |
CFA | Children First America |
CFA | Center for Action |
CFA | Combined Field Army |
CFA | Call-Forward Area |
CFA | Conformal Array |
CFA | Customer Facility Assignment |
CFA | Certified First Assist |
CFA | Computerized Fleet Analysis, Inc. |
CFA | Community Forestry International |
CFA | Congregatio Fratrum Alexianorum (Alexian Brothers; religious order) |
CFA | Crytogenic Fibrosing Alveolitis |
CFA | Courses Féminines Associées (French: Associated Women's Racing) |
CFA | Car Forwarding Agency |
CFA | Control Facilities Area |
CFA | Christian Farmers Association |
CFA | Composite Fabricator's Association |
CFA | Canadian Football Association |
CFA | Carrier Facility Alarm |
CFA | Cadet Fitness Assessment (US DoD military academies) |
CFA | Closed Form Analysis |
CFA | Change in Frame Alignment |
CFA | Corrugated Feeder Antenna |
CFA | Colegio Francés Americano (Spanish: French American School; Mexico) |
CFA | Communications Functional Area |
CFA | Chloro Fluoro Aniline |
CFA | Cascading Failure Analysis |
CFA | Contract Funding Available |
CFA | Catarman Fishermen Association |
CFA | Cercle France Afrique (France) |
CFA | Control Fighter Airspace |
CFA | Cognizant Federal Authority |
CFA | Call Flow Analysis |
CFA | Carrier Frequency Acquisition |
CFA | Corporate Finance Agreement |
CFA | Current Force Assessment |
CFA | Cachagua Fire Auxiliary (Carmel Valley, CA) |
CFA | Centro de Futebol Amazônia Ltda (Brazil) |
CFA | Code Function Assignment |