CGRCertified Graduate Remodeler (professional designation; National Association of Homebuilders)
CGRContraloría General de la República (Spanish: Comptroller General of the Republic; various nations)
CGRCan't Get Right
CGRCalifornia Gold Rush
CGRCorporate Governance Review
CGRCrack Growth Rate
CGRCompound Growth Rate
CGRCampo Grande, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil (Airport Code)
CGRCenter for Glass Research (NY State College of Ceramics)
CGRComptoir Général du Ressort (French metal goods manufacturer)
CGRClinical Governance Review (risk management; UK)
CGRCondensate Gas Ratio
CGRCytogenetic and Genome Research
CGRCorporate Governance Recommendation
CGRCrop Growth Rate
CGRChristian Guitar Resource
CGRCeylon Government Railway
CGRCenter for Gaming Research (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
CGRCouncil for Government Reform
CGRCalifornia Gasket and Rubber (Gardena, CA)
CGRCosmic Galactic Radiation
CGRChronic Gonadotropin Receptor
CGRColiform Growth Response
CGRConverted Gallery Range
CGRContrôle et Gestion de Risque (French: Control and Risk Management; Canada)
CGRCATIA (Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application) Graphical Representation (software format)