Acronym | Definition |
CGR | Certified Graduate Remodeler (professional designation; National Association of Homebuilders) |
CGR | Contraloría General de la República (Spanish: Comptroller General of the Republic; various nations) |
CGR | Can't Get Right |
CGR | California Gold Rush |
CGR | Corporate Governance Review |
CGR | Crack Growth Rate |
CGR | Compound Growth Rate |
CGR | Campo Grande, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil (Airport Code) |
CGR | Center for Glass Research (NY State College of Ceramics) |
CGR | Comptoir Général du Ressort (French metal goods manufacturer) |
CGR | Clinical Governance Review (risk management; UK) |
CGR | Condensate Gas Ratio |
CGR | Cytogenetic and Genome Research |
CGR | Corporate Governance Recommendation |
CGR | Crop Growth Rate |
CGR | Christian Guitar Resource |
CGR | Ceylon Government Railway |
CGR | Center for Gaming Research (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) |
CGR | Council for Government Reform |
CGR | California Gasket and Rubber (Gardena, CA) |
CGR | Cosmic Galactic Radiation |
CGR | Chronic Gonadotropin Receptor |
CGR | Coliform Growth Response |
CGR | Converted Gallery Range |
CGR | Contrôle et Gestion de Risque (French: Control and Risk Management; Canada) |
CGR | CATIA (Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application) Graphical Representation (software format) |