Acronym | Definition |
CGS | Centimeter, Gram, Second (system of units) |
CGS | California Geological Survey (formerly the California Department of Mines and Geology) |
CGS | Council of Graduate Schools (Washington, DC, USA) |
CGS | Championship Gaming Series (electronic sports league) |
CGS | Center for Graduate Studies (various organizations) |
CGS | Cost of Goods Sold (accounting) |
CGS | College of General Studies (Boston University) |
CGS | Connecticut General Statutes |
CGS | Corporate Governance Score |
CGS | Comic Geek Speak (est. 2005) |
CGS | Credit Guarantee Scheme (UK) |
CGS | Computer Generated Solutions (New York) |
CGS | Center for Governmental Studies |
CGS | Corel Graphics Suite |
CGS | Cim Based Grid Schema |
CGS | Computer Graphics Society |
CGS | Continuous Grain Silicon |
CGS | Center for Genetics and Society |
CGS | Centre for Global Studies (various locations) |
CGS | Cold Gas Spray (thermal spray) |
CGS | Commonwealth Governor's School (Northern VA) |
CGS | Common Ground Station |
CGS | Comparative Genome Sequencing |
CGS | College Park Airport |
CGS | Classical Gram-Schmidt (algorithm) |
CGS | Chief of General Staff |
CGS | Cigna Government Services |
CGS | Church of the Good Shepherd (Bloomington, Indiana) |
CGS | Conditions Générales de Service (French: Terms of Service) |
CGS | Colorado Geological Survey |
CGS | Council for Geoscience (South Africa) |
CGS | Coast Guard Station |
CGS | Community Grants Scheme (Australia) |
CGS | Continuous Grain Silicon (Sharp) |
CGS | Contemporary Glass Society |
CGS | Common Ground System |
CGS | Centre de Gestion Scientifique (French: Scientific Management Center; est. 1967) |
CGS | Conjugate Gradient Squared |
CGS | Central Goldfields Shire (Australia) |
CGS | Commonwealth Government Securities (Australia) |
CGS | Come Get Some (gaming clan) |
CGS | Command and General Staff College |
CGS | Camberwell Grammar School (Melbourne, Australia) |
CGS | Crescent Girls' School (Singapore) |
CGS | Center for Genomics and Society (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) |
CGS | Centre de Géochimie de la Surface (French: Center for Surface Geochemistry) |
CGS | Council General Secretariat (EU) |
CGS | Cap Gemini Sogeti |
CGS | Campus Girl Scouts (USA) |
CGS | Canadian Goat Society (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) |
CGS | California Gift Show (trade show) |
CGS | Contested Ground Studios (gaming; UK) |
CGS | Caulfield Grammar School (Melbourne, Australia) |
CGS | CONUS (Continental United States) Ground Station (US DoD) |
CGS | Caulfield Grammar School |
CGS | Canadian Geriatrics Society |
CGS | Contracts and Grants Section |
CGS | Coast Geological Society (Ventura, California) |
CGS | Computer General Studies |
CGS | China, Glass, Silver (hospitality) |
CGS | Catholic Guilt Syndrome |
CGS | Cottage Garden Society (England, UK) |
CGS | Centimetro–Grammo–Secondo |
CGS | California Gourd Society |
CGS | Camp Grady Spruce (Graford, TX) |
CGS | Coast & Geodetic Survey |
CGS | Clan Gregor Society (genealogy) |
CGS | Communications Ground Segment |
CGS | Common Geopositioning Services (BAE Systems) |
CGS | Common Graphics System |
CGS | Columbus Ground System |
CGS | California Green Solutions (publication) |
CGS | China Geological Survey Bureau |
CGS | Common Ground Segment |
CGS | Collaboration on Government Secrecy (Washington College of Law) |
CGS | Core Ground System |
CGS | Centre Généalogique de Savoie (French: Savoy Genealogical Center; Savoy, France) |
CGS | Celtic Global Services (France) |
CGS | Colorado Gerontological Society |
CGS | Communications Gateway System |
CGS | Canadian Geologic Survey |
CGS | Combined Ground System |
CGS | Color Graphics System |
CGS | Compagnie Générale de Secours (French: General Relief Company) |
CGS | Crayons, Glue, and Scissors |
CGS | Copper Gallium Selenide (compound semiconductor) |
CGS | California Glass Studio |
CGS | Commander General Staff |
CGS | Coarse-Grain SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio; video coding) |
CGS | Center for Groundwater Science |
CGS | Costeas Geitonas School (Athens-Pallini, Greece) |
CGS | Council of General Synod |
CGS | Committee on Geological Sciences |
CGS | Center for Globalization Studies |
CGS | Continuous Guided Scrambling |
CGS | Common Geospatial-Intelligence System |
CGS | Comparative Grain Size |
CGS | Computer Generated Sound |
CGS | Constrained Gibbs Sampler (Linear Equalization) |
CGS | Coarse Grid Scan |
CGS | Centre National des Recherches en Génie Parasismique (French) |
CGS | Command Generation System |
CGS | Common Gateway System |
CGS | Commercial Gateway Segment |
CGS | Contrat de Garantie de Services (French: Warranty Service Agreement) |
CGS | Commercial Generator Set |
CGS | Coset Generation System |
CGS | Community Girls School |