CGSCentimeter, Gram, Second (system of units)
CGSCalifornia Geological Survey (formerly the California Department of Mines and Geology)
CGSCouncil of Graduate Schools (Washington, DC, USA)
CGSChampionship Gaming Series (electronic sports league)
CGSCenter for Graduate Studies (various organizations)
CGSCost of Goods Sold (accounting)
CGSCollege of General Studies (Boston University)
CGSConnecticut General Statutes
CGSCorporate Governance Score
CGSComic Geek Speak (est. 2005)
CGSCredit Guarantee Scheme (UK)
CGSComputer Generated Solutions (New York)
CGSCenter for Governmental Studies
CGSCorel Graphics Suite
CGSCim Based Grid Schema
CGSComputer Graphics Society
CGSContinuous Grain Silicon
CGSCenter for Genetics and Society
CGSCentre for Global Studies (various locations)
CGSCold Gas Spray (thermal spray)
CGSCommonwealth Governor's School (Northern VA)
CGSCommon Ground Station
CGSComparative Genome Sequencing
CGSCollege Park Airport
CGSClassical Gram-Schmidt (algorithm)
CGSChief of General Staff
CGSCigna Government Services
CGSChurch of the Good Shepherd (Bloomington, Indiana)
CGSConditions Générales de Service (French: Terms of Service)
CGSColorado Geological Survey
CGSCouncil for Geoscience (South Africa)
CGSCoast Guard Station
CGSCommunity Grants Scheme (Australia)
CGSContinuous Grain Silicon (Sharp)
CGSContemporary Glass Society
CGSCommon Ground System
CGSCentre de Gestion Scientifique (French: Scientific Management Center; est. 1967)
CGSConjugate Gradient Squared
CGSCentral Goldfields Shire (Australia)
CGSCommonwealth Government Securities (Australia)
CGSCome Get Some (gaming clan)
CGSCommand and General Staff College
CGSCamberwell Grammar School (Melbourne, Australia)
CGSCrescent Girls' School (Singapore)
CGSCenter for Genomics and Society (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
CGSCentre de Géochimie de la Surface (French: Center for Surface Geochemistry)
CGSCouncil General Secretariat (EU)
CGSCap Gemini Sogeti
CGSCampus Girl Scouts (USA)
CGSCanadian Goat Society (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
CGSCalifornia Gift Show (trade show)
CGSContested Ground Studios (gaming; UK)
CGSCaulfield Grammar School (Melbourne, Australia)
CGSCONUS (Continental United States) Ground Station (US DoD)
CGSCaulfield Grammar School
CGSCanadian Geriatrics Society
CGSContracts and Grants Section
CGSCoast Geological Society (Ventura, California)
CGSComputer General Studies
CGSChina, Glass, Silver (hospitality)
CGSCatholic Guilt Syndrome
CGSCottage Garden Society (England, UK)
CGSCalifornia Gourd Society
CGSCamp Grady Spruce (Graford, TX)
CGSCoast & Geodetic Survey
CGSClan Gregor Society (genealogy)
CGSCommunications Ground Segment
CGSCommon Geopositioning Services (BAE Systems)
CGSCommon Graphics System
CGSColumbus Ground System
CGSCalifornia Green Solutions (publication)
CGSChina Geological Survey Bureau
CGSCommon Ground Segment
CGSCollaboration on Government Secrecy (Washington College of Law)
CGSCore Ground System
CGSCentre Généalogique de Savoie (French: Savoy Genealogical Center; Savoy, France)
CGSCeltic Global Services (France)
CGSColorado Gerontological Society
CGSCommunications Gateway System
CGSCanadian Geologic Survey
CGSCombined Ground System
CGSColor Graphics System
CGSCompagnie Générale de Secours (French: General Relief Company)
CGSCrayons, Glue, and Scissors
CGSCopper Gallium Selenide (compound semiconductor)
CGSCalifornia Glass Studio
CGSCommander General Staff
CGSCoarse-Grain SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio; video coding)
CGSCenter for Groundwater Science
CGSCosteas Geitonas School (Athens-Pallini, Greece)
CGSCouncil of General Synod
CGSCommittee on Geological Sciences
CGSCenter for Globalization Studies
CGSContinuous Guided Scrambling
CGSCommon Geospatial-Intelligence System
CGSComparative Grain Size
CGSComputer Generated Sound
CGSConstrained Gibbs Sampler (Linear Equalization)
CGSCoarse Grid Scan
CGSCentre National des Recherches en Génie Parasismique (French)
CGSCommand Generation System
CGSCommon Gateway System
CGSCommercial Gateway Segment
CGSContrat de Garantie de Services (French: Warranty Service Agreement)
CGSCommercial Generator Set
CGSCoset Generation System
CGSCommunity Girls School