CHAPChallenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHAPCommunity Health Accreditation Program
CHAPCommon Humanitarian Action Plan
CHAPChallenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHAPCommunity Health Alliance of Pasadena (Pasadena, CA)
CHAPCommunity Health Aide Program
CHAPChronic Hazard Advisory Panel
CHAPChicago Health and Aging Project
CHAPChannel Processor
CHAPChristian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
CHAPChildhope Asia Philippines
CHAPCadet Harassment and Abuse Prevention (Canada)
CHAPChildren Have A Potential
CHAPCommunity Health Advocacy Program
CHAPChildren's Hospitalization Alternative Program
CHAPCommunity Health Action Project
CHAPCommon Hybrid Agent Platform
CHAPCompton High-Altitude Pulse
CHAPCouncil of Health Agencies of the Philippines
CHAPContractor Held Air Force Property
CHAPChemical Hazard Awareness Program