Acronym | Definition |
BQ | Becquerel |
BQ | Bloc Québécois (Canadian political party) |
BQ | Bonus Question |
BQ | Business Intelligence |
BQ | Be Quiet |
BQ | Build Quality |
BQ | Navassa Island |
BQ | Benzoquinone (gene-altering drug) |
BQ | Best Qualified |
BQ | Broadcast Quality |
BQ | Bicycle Queensland (Australia) |
BQ | Bills of Quantities |
BQ | Beam Quality (lasers) |
BQ | Broadcast Query (mobile computing) |
BQ | Bill of Quantity |
BQ | Betel Quid (plant leaves chewed in Asia) |
BQ | Biquad |
BQ | Bank Qualified (municipal bond tax classification) |
BQ | Boys' Quarters |
BQ | Basically Qualified |
BQ | Basic Qualification |
BQ | Boston Qualify (Boston Marathon; Massachusetts) |
BQ | Browser Quest (online game) |
BQ | Branch Qualification |
BQ | Battle Quest (gaming league) |
BQ | Biographical Questionnaire |
BQ | Bene Quiescat (Latin: May He Rest Well, epigraphy) |
BQ | Bachelor's Quarters (US military) |
BQ | Berkeley Quality (quality control program, UC-Berkeley) |
BQ | Branch Qualifying (US Army officer course) |
BQ | Branch Qualified (US Army officer rating) |
BQ | Banquetzal (Guatemala) |
BQ | Batch Quality |
BQ | Behavioral Quotient |
BQ | Barrier's Questionnaire (medical checklist) |
BQ | Backup Quantity |