APICAssociation for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
APICAdvanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
APICApplication Policy Infrastructure Controller (Cisco)
APICAssociation for the Protection of Internet Copyright
APICAfrica Policy Information Center
APICAdditional Paid-In-Capital (finance/business)
APICAsian Pacific Islander Coalition (Washington)
APICAsian Pacific Islander Caucus
APICAmerican Political Items Collectors
APICAsia Petrochemical Industry Conference (conference)
APICArmy Performance Improvement Criteria (US DoD)
APICAllied Press Information Center (US DoD)
APICAssociation of Professional Immigration Consultants (various locations)
APICAsia Pacific Internet Company
APICAssociation for Promotion of International Cooperation (Tokyo, Japan)
APICAdvanced Photonic Integrated Circuits (Culver City, CA)
APICAPCO Project 25 Interface Committee
APICAssociation pour le Patrimoine Industriel de Champagne-Ardenne (French: Association for Industrial Heritage of Champagne-Ardenne; Champagne-Ardenne, France)
APICAccomplishments, Priorities, Issues, Concerns
APICATM Port Interconnect Controller
APICAsian Paint Industry Council
APICAssociation Patronale pour l'Industrie et le Commerce (French: Employers' Association for Industry and Trade; Switzerland)
APICAdvanced Programmer Interrupt Controller
APICAcquisition Process Improvement Campaign
APICAgrární Poradenské A Informaèní Centrum (Czech)
APICAmerican Public Information-highway Coalition
APICAcquisition Procurement Improvement Campaign
APICAssociation des Patrons et Ingénieurs Catholiques (French: Association of Catholic Employers and Engineers; Belgium)