Acronym | Definition |
BNA | Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. |
BNA | British Newspaper Archive (resource; UK) |
BNA | Birds of North America |
BNA | Bond van Nederlandse Architecten (Dutch: Royal Institute of Dutch Architects; professional association) |
BNA | But Not Actually (sarcasm) |
BNA | block numbering area (US Census) |
BNA | British North America |
BNA | Banco Nacional de Angola (National Bank of Angola) |
BNA | Banque Nationale Agricole |
BNA | Block Numbering Area |
BNA | Backbone Network Architecture |
BNA | Bakhtar News Agency (Afghanistan) |
BNA | Banco de la Nación Argentina |
BNA | Banque Nationale d'Algerie |
BNA | Boots N All |
BNA | British Neuroscience Association |
BNA | Business News Americas |
BNA | Billing Name and Address |
BNA | Bunch Note Acceptor (automated cash acceptor) |
BNA | Basic Needs Approach (economics) |
BNA | British Nursing Association |
BNA | Brand New Alliance (marketing) |
BNA | Bolsa Nacional Agropecuaria |
BNA | British Naturalists' Association |
BNA | Buffalo Numismatic Association (est. 1927; Buffalo, NY) |
BNA | Base/Neutral/Acid |
BNA | Baromedical Nurses Association |
BNA | Bonerate (SIL code, Sulawesi) |
BNA | Biological Network Analysis (bioinformatics) |
BNA | Bénéfice Net par Action (French: Earning per Share) |
BNA | British Naturopathic Association |
BNA | Burroughs Network Architecture |
BNA | Bruxelles Nous Appartient (French: Brussels Belongs to Us; cultural association; Brussels, Belgium) |
BNA | Best Next Action (marketing) |
BNA | Bureau de Normalisation de l'Automobile (French: Automotive Bureau of Standards) |
BNA | Nashville, TN, USA - Nashville Metropolitan Airport (Airport Code) |
BNA | By Name Assignment (USMC training and education system) |
BNA | Boeing North America |
BNA | Business Needs Assessment |
BNA | Brighton Neighborhood Association |
BNA | Business Nihongo Association (Japan) |
BNA | Botswana National Archives |
BNA | Beaverdale Neighborhood Association |
BNA | Barrow Neurosurgical Associates, Ltd. |
BNA | Bank Note Acceptor |
BNA | Business Name Availability |
BNA | Basse-Normandie Active (French financial assistance association) |
BNA | Business Net Areas |
BNA | Botswana National Atlas |
BNA | Basic Nomina Anatomica |
BNA | Business Network Architecture (Nynex) |
BNA | Boeing Network Architecture |
BNA | Brigade Nantaise Airsoft (French: Nantes Airsoft Squad; Nantes, France) |
BNA | Base Network Administrator |
BNA | Bannister Neighborhood Association (Waldorf, Maryland) |
BNA | Betteraves Névrosées d'Amiens (French student association) |