Acronym | Definition |
BNG | Bloque Nacionalista Galego (Galician Nationalist Bloc, Spain) |
BNG | Bangladesh |
BNG | Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten |
BNG | Bingen, WA |
BNG | Broadband Network Gateway |
BNG | Babcock Noell GmbH (Germany) |
BNG | British Nuclear Group (UK) |
BNG | Bandai Namco Group (est. 2005; entertainment; Japan) |
BNG | Bump & Grind |
BNG | British National Grid (UK) |
BNG | Bold New Graphics (motorsports slang) |
BNG | Bermuda National Gallery |
BNG | Boston Newspaper Guild (Massachusetts) |
BNG | Bob and George (webcomic) |
BNG | Bachelor of Nursing |
BNG | Banque de Données Nationale Générale (French: National General Database; Belgium) |
BNG | Bureau de Normalisation du Gaz (French: Gas Standardization Office) |
BNG | Banque Nationale de Gènes (French; Tunisian national bank) |
BNG | Buckeye Networking Group (Ohio) |
BNG | Bien Naître et Grandir (French childbirth information association) |
BNG | Burst Noise Generator |
BNG | Brave New Groove (Enhanced CD Production) |
BNG | Branch No Group |