CASEComputer-Aided Software Engineering
CASECouncil for Advancement and Support of Education
CASECenter for Social and Economic Research (Poland)
CASECompressed Air System
CASEConsumers Association of Singapore (nonprofit consumer protection agency)
CASECentre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (UK)
CASECouncil of American Structural Engineers
CASECenter for Advanced Studies In Engineering (Pakistan)
CASECultural Arts and Special Events (various organizations)
CASEContinuing Automotive Service Education (various organizations)
CASEComputer-Assisted Software Engineering
CASEConnected, Autonomous, Shared, Electric (vehicles)
CASECairo & Alexandria Stock Exchanges
CASECertified Allied Telesyn System Engineer
CASEComputer Aided Software Engineering
CASEComputer Automated System Engineering
CASECenter for Architecture, Science and Ecology (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; New York)
CASECampaign for Science and Engineering (UK)
CASEColorado Association of School Executives
CASEComputer-Aided System Engineering
CASECitizenship and Service Education (Rutgers University)
CASEConference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE)
CASEComputer Applications and Software Engineering
CASEConceptually Accurate Signed English
CASECaithness and Sutherland Enterprise (UK)
CASECircuits and Systems Exploration (Central Michigan University)
CASECarnegie Academy for Science Education
CASECooperative Awards in Science and Engineering
CASECopy and Steal Everything
CASEComputer Assisted Systems Engineering
CASECommon Application Service Elements
CASECoatings, Adhesives, Sealants & Elastomers
CASECentrum Analiz Spoleczno-Ekonomicznych (Center for Social and Economic Research; Poland)
CASECanadian Association for Sound Ecology
CASECoalition Against Sexual Exploitation (various locations)
CASEChenega Advanced Solutions & Engineering, LLC
CASECoordinating Agency for Supplier Evaluation (industrial coalition; Hot Springs, AR)
CASECentre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education (New College, UNSW)
CASEClub Athlétique de Saint-Étienne (French: Saint-Étienne Athletic Club; Saint-Étienne, France)
CASECitizens' Alliance for Secure Elections (Ohio)
CASECampaign Against Stevenage Expansion
CASECase Studies in Engineering Education
CASECoalition of Agencies Serving the Elderly
CASECustoms-Approved Area for Storing Exports (New Zealand)
CASECentre d'Accueil Santé Échange (French: Home Health Exchange Center)
CASECalifornia Attorneys, Administrative Law Judges and Hearing Officers in State Employment (union)
CASECenter for Aerospace Safety Education
CASECellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (gaming)
CASEConformity Assessment System Evaluation
CASECoalition of American Structural Engineers
CASECenter for the Advanced Study of the Environment
CASECounsel Automated Systems Environment
CASECopy and Share Everything
CASECollaborative Award in Science and Engineering (UK, ESRC)
CASECoordinated Air-Sea Experiment
CASECounselling Assistance to Small Enterprises (Canada)
CASEComputer-Assisted Structural Engineering
CASECo-operative Awards in the Sciences of the Environment
CASECopy And Share with Everyone
CASECopy and Selectively Edit
CASECountywide Anti Substance-Abuse Efforts
CASECatholic Schools of Eau Claire (Eau Claire, Wisconsin)
CASEComputer Automated Support Equipment
CASECorps Area Support Element
CASECysteic Acid separating the dye and the SE
CASEControlled Airspace Synthetic Environment
CASECustomer Application Support Engineer
CASECommon Automated System Execution
CASECorps And Subordinate Echelons
CASEClean and Sober Experience
CASECommunity Awareness Safety Education
CASEComputer Automated Software/System Engineering
CASECombined Arms Synthetic Experiment
CASEClemson Alumni Society for Equality