CEDARCoupling Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions
CEDARCentral European Environmental Data Request Facility
CEDARCenter for Education and Drug Abuse Research
CEDARCenter of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition
CEDARComprehensive Environmental Data and Reporting System (US DOT)
CEDARCore Extraction Distributed Ad-Hoc Routing
CEDARCentre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research
CEDARCalifornia Economic Diversification and Revitalization
CEDARComputer Enhanced Digital Audio Restoration
CEDARComplexity, Expressibility, and Decidability in Automated Reasoning (workshop)
CEDARChristian Education Development and Relief
CEDARCenter for Economic Development and Applied Research (Royal Roads University)
CEDARCentro de Diagnóstico de Embarazo de Alto Riesgo (Spanish)
CEDARCounty Emergency Dispatch and Response (California)