BORBoard of Representatives (various organizations)
BORBoard Of Regents
BORBureau Of Reclamation
BORBoard of Realtors (various locations)
BORBill of Rights
BORBeginning of Recording (data storage)
BORBoard Of Review
BORBiology Of Reproduction (journal)
BORBill O'Reilly (Fox news host)
BORBed Occupancy Rate (hospitals)
BORBiserica Ortodoxa Romana (Romanian: Romanian Orthodox Church)
BORBeats of Rage (video game)
BORBurnt Orange Report (political blog; Texas)
BORBuckets of Rain
BORBrown-Out Reset (microcontrollers, PIC)
BORBusiness Object Repository (SAP tehnical infrastructure)
BORBroker Of Record
BORBid on Repairs (construction)
BORBasic Output Report
BORBodies Of Revolution
BORBunkers on Redelivery (shipping)
BORBill of Resources
BORBasis of Review
BORBritish Other Rank (military rank; UK)
BORBudget OPTAR (Operating/Operational Target) Report
BORBMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke) Oracle Racing (sailing competition)
BORBase of Riser (fire sprinklers)
BORBreak of Reality (band)
BORBattery Operations Room (Australia)
BORBlessing of Replenishment (gaming)
BORBiuro Ochrony Rzadu (Polish Secret Service)
BORBack of Room Sales
BORBlood of Ro
BORBack Order Reconciliation
BORBandwidth on Request
BORBattalion Orderly Room (Canadian Armed Forces)
BORBreach of Rule (legal)
BORBase of the Ramp (USAF Academy)
BORBurnout Risk
BORBan on Religion (newsgroup usage)
BORBusiness Operations Review