AALAmerican Airlines
AALArt at the Library (Brighton Art Guild; Michigan)
AALAverage Annual Loss (insurance)
AALAnkara Ataturk Lisesi (Turkish high school)
AALAmbient Assisted Living (Europe)
AALAdd-A-Leaf (automotive modification)
AALAdelaide Airport Limited (Australia)
AALATM Adaptation Layer
AALAlaska Airlines
AALAborigines Advancement League (est. 1957; Australia)
AALActive Assisted Living (EU)
AALAdvanced Academic Literacy
AALAfrican American Language
AALAdditional Adoption Leave (UK)
AALAnimal Adoption League (est. 1992)
AALattorney at law
AALAnimation Art Ltd.
AALAdelaide Airport Ltd. (Australia)
AALAid Association for Lutherans
AALAustralasian Association for Logic (Australia and New Zealand)
AALAnimals as Leaders (band)
AALAnterior Axillary Line
AALAbove Aerodrome Level
AALAsian Aviation Logistics (Bangkok, Thailand)
AALAsynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer
AALAustralian Air League
AALAalborg, Denmark - Aalborg (Airport Code)
AALAlloy Annotation Language
AALAcceptable Ambient Level
AALAnatomical Automatic Labeling (digital human brain atlas)
AALAssociation des Artistes Lorrains (French: Lorraine Artists' Association)
AALAero Acoustic Levitation
AALAmes Aeronautical Laboratory
AALAcceptable Ambient Limit
AALApplied Action Level (environment)
AALAdditional Authorizations List
AALAccount Access Layer
AALAnalog PSTN Access Line
AALAircraft Approach Limitation
AALAcademy of Asian Leaders
AALActive Alarm List
AALApplication Adaption Layer
AALAuthorized Allowance List
AALAssembly on American Literature
AALArctic Aeromedical Lab (Fort Wainwright, AK)
AALAsociacion Ambientalista Llastay
AALAteliers d'Art Liturgique (French: Liturgical Art Workshops)
AALAircraft Assignment Letter
AALAssociation des Attachés Linguistiques (French: Association of Language Staff)
AALAsiana Air Lines
AALAnti-Acronym League
AALArthur Alexander Leach (junior high school, Winnipeg, Canada)
AALAddress Alignment Logic (computer science)
AALAtelier d'Astronomie de Limoges (Astronomical Workshop of Limoges- France)
AALAgence Alsace Lorraine (French real estate agency)