Acronym | Definition |
CEM | Customer Experience Management (Total Quality Management) |
CEM | Cemetery |
CEM | Cement |
CEM | Certified Energy Manager |
CEM | Continuous Emissions Monitoring (EPA) |
CEM | Center for Emergency Medicine (various locations) |
CEM | Compatibilité ElectroMagnétique |
CEM | Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (various locations) |
CEM | Children's Educational Material |
CEM | Customer Engagement Manager |
CEM | Campus Estado de México |
CEM | Centro de Estudios de la Mujer (Spanish: Center for Women’s Studies; Chile) |
CEM | Cation Exchange Membrane |
CEM | Clean Energy Ministerial (forum) |
CEM | Contagious Equine Metritis |
CEM | Civil Emergency Message |
CEM | Cached Exchange Mode |
CEM | Client Encryption Manager |
CEM | Control Engineering and Manufacturing |
CEM | Circuit Emulation Service over Mpls |
CEM | Common Evaluation Methodology |
CEM | Cisco E-Mail Management |
CEM | Canon Extended Mode |
CEM | Creditcard Ethernet and Modem |
CEM | Compact Entertainment Module |
CEM | Colorx Event Model |
CEM | Central Electronic Module |
CEM | Currencies and Emerging Markets (various companies) |
CEM | Crash Energy Management (railroad safety protocol) |
CEM | Coastal Engineering Manual |
CEM | Country Economic Memorandum |
CEM | Certified Emergency Manager |
CEM | Calving Ease Maternal |
CEM | Commission on Ecosystem Management (International Union for Conservation of Nature) |
CEM | College of Estate Management |
CEM | Certified in Exhibition Management (International Association of Exhibitions and Events) |
CEM | Computation in Electromagnetics |
CEM | Centre for Environmental Management (South Africa) |
CEM | Contract Electronics Manufacturer |
CEM | Casino Enterprise Management |
CEM | Certified Environmental Manager (various organizations) |
CEM | Cisco Energy Management |
CEM | Centre d'Études Médiévales (French: Center for Medieval Studies; various locations) |
CEM | Civil Emergency Management (US Army) |
CEM | Computational Electromagnetic |
CEM | Clearinghouse on Educational Management (now Clearinghouse on Educational Policy and Management; University of Oregon) |
CEM | Cube Environment Mapping (computer graphics) |
CEM | Combined Effects Munition |
CEM | Center for Educational Media (various organizations) |
CEM | Cumulative Effects Model (environmental assessment) |
CEM | Conference Event Management |
CEM | Channel Electron Multiplier |
CEM | Cutting Edge Media |
CEM | Cardiac Event Monitoring |
CEM | College of Economics and Management (Philippines) |
CEM | Chief Electrician's Mate (military rank) |
CEM | Contract Energy Management |
CEM | Chinese Energetic Medicine |
CEM | Cisco E-Mail Manager |
CEM | Community Environmental Monitoring (US DOE) |
CEM | Conseillers En Mobilité (Belgium) |
CEM | Conferencia Episcopal de México (Spanish) |
CEM | Chief Enlisted Manager |
CEM | Collège Édouard-Montpetit (Longueuil, Quebec) |
CEM | Composite Epoxy Material (manufacturing) |
CEM | Centre d'Éthique Médicale (French: Center for Medical Ethics; Catholic University of Lille; Lille, France) |
CEM | College of Engineering and Mines (University of Alaska Fairbanks) |
CEM | Contract Equipment Manufacturer |
CEM | Centre d'Expressions Musicales (French: Musical Expressions Center; music school) |
CEM | Center for Enterprise Modernization (MITRE Corporation) |
CEM | Centre for Environmental Monitoring (Canada) |
CEM | Cryoelectron Microscopy |
CEM | Certified Equipment Manager |
CEM | Consolidated Evaluation Meeting (Drug Administration Law of SFDA of China) |
CEM | Christian Educational Ministries |
CEM | Campi Elettro Magnetici (Italian: Electro Magnetic Fields) |
CEM | Champ Electromagnétiques (French: Electromagnetic Field) |
CEM | Certified Emission Reduction (carbon credit) |
CEM | Complex Electro-Mechanical (system) |
CEM | Concepts Evaluation Model |
CEM | Comité Économique du Médicament |
CEM | Cumulus Ensemble Model |
CEM | Channeltron Electron Multiplier |
CEM | Common Element Manager |
CEM | Conservation and Enforcement Measures |
CEM | Common Equipment Module |
CEM | Computer Engineering Management |
CEM | Centre d'Études Méditerranéennes (French: Center for Mediterranean Studies) |
CEM | Collin Electromécanique Maintenance (French: Collin Electrical Maintenance) |
CEM | Career Ending Move |
CEM | Compromising Emanations |
CEM | Culture Environnement Médias (French: Media Culture Environment) |
CEM | Center for Electromagnetics |
CEM | Cooperative Environmental Management |
CEM | Centro de Estudios Militares (Guatemala) |
CEM | Center for Electro-Mechanics |
CEM | Circunscripción Electoral Municipal (Spanish; Guatemala) |
CEM | Channel Element Module |
CEM | Communications-Electronics Meteorological |
CEM | Cost Engineering Model |
CEM | Combination Export Manager |
CEM | Captured Enemy Material |
CEM | Cost Estimating Methodology |
CEM | Civil Engineering Manual (USAF) |
CEM | Configurable Execution Module |
CEM | Continuous Effluent Monitor |
CEM | Concrete-Equivalent Mortar |
CEM | Combat Evaluation Model |
CEM | Club des Entreprises du Muretain (French: Muret Corporate Club; Muret, France) |
CEM | Conventional Electron Microscope |
CEM | Contingency, Exercise & Mobility |
CEM | Combined Element Magnet |
CEM | Certainty-Equivalent Margin |
CEM | Cabin Emergency Manual |
CEM | Concept Ergonomique de Manutention (French: Ergonomic Material Handling Concept) |
CEM | Connection Error Message |
CEM | Center for Educational Measurements, Inc. |
CEM | Cyprus Educational Mission (London, UK) |
CEM | Columbus Electronic Musicians (Columbus, Ohio, USA; formerly Columbus MIDI Users Group, CMUG) |
CEM | Communication-Electronic-Meteorological |
CEM | Cost Estimating Manager |
CEM | Consulting, Engineering and Management Co Ltd |
CEM | Communications-Electronics Maintenance (US Air Force career field) |
CEM | Credential Evaluator Module |