Acronym | Definition |
BTR | By the River (various organizations) |
BTR | Big Time Rush (TV series) |
BTR | Boston Terrier Rescue (various locations) |
BTR | Biturbo Racer |
BTR | Bus Timing Register |
BTR | Bit Test and Reset |
BTR | Born to Run (Bruce Springsteen song) |
BTR | Blitzkrieg Team Russia (gaming) |
BTR | Board of Technical Registration |
BTR | Rupee (currency of Bhutan) |
BTR | Back To Reality |
BTR | Bureau of Tourism Research (Australia) |
BTR | The Bridge to Recovery (health) |
BTR | Broad Temperature Range |
BTR | Bias Transfer Roller (printing) |
BTR | Behind the Tape Reader |
BTR | Bailed to Return (UK) |
BTR | Big Tent Revival |
BTR | Business Tax Reduction (Canada) |
BTR | Born To Ride (motorcycling magazine) |
BTR | British Tax Review (journal) |
BTR | Batman the Ride (theme park ride) |
BTR | Bear Trap Ranch (Colorado Springs, CO) |
BTR | Ballasted Track Renewal (London Underground; London, UK) |
BTR | Built To Rule! (Hasbro action building set/toy) |
BTR | Biblio Tech Review (automation industry; Biblio Tech Limited; UK) |
BTR | Business Travel Request |
BTR | Bachelor Till the Rapture |
BTR | Before The Rain (band; movie) |
BTR | Bus Transfer |
BTR | Below Threshold Reprogramming |
BTR | Basic Training Record |
BTR | Bronyetransporter (Soviet Class of Armored Vehicles) |
BTR | Bit Transfer Rate |
BTR | Bit Timing Recovery |
BTR | Budget Transfer Request |
BTR | Bet the Ranch |
BTR | Bent Trail Riders (Dayton, OH) |
BTR | Bio-Technical Repair (Hormeta) |
BTR | Burn Time Remaining |
BTR | Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler (French: Let the Good Times Roll; Mardi Gras/New Orleans) |
BTR | Business & Technology Review |
BTR | Budget Time Recorder (now Time Clock Depot; time clock sales; various locations) |
BTR | Bit Test & Reset |
BTR | Bearing Time Recorder |
BTR | Boom Time Remaining (NASA) |
BTR | Basic Training Requirement(s) |
BTR | Basic Theoretical Research |
BTR | Baton Rouge, LA, USA - Ryan (Airport Code) |
BTR | Broadcast and Television Receiver(s) |
BTR | Block Tape Recorder |
BTR | Below Top of Rail |
BTR | Base Target Range |
BTR | Ballast Tube Resistor |
BTR | Backfit Technical Review |
BTR | Business Talent Review (employee performance evaluation system) |
BTR | Base Time Record |
BTR | Branch Technical Review |
BTR | Bladder Tumor Resection |
BTR | Banded Target Response |