AAMPAdenosine Monophosphate (chemical compound)
AAMPAdvances in Atomic and Molecular Physics (course)
AAMPAdvanced Atm Multiservice Portfolio
AAMPAlternatively Activated Macrophage
AAMPAmerican Association of Meat Processors
AAMPAmbient Air Monitoring Program (environmental protection; various locations)
AAMPapoptosis-associated molecular pattern
AAMPAfrican American Museum in Philadelphia (since 1976)
AAMPAmerican Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthetics
AAMPApartment Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA)
AAMPAdvanced Architecture Microprocessor
AAMPAssociation pour l'Aide à la Médecine Préventive
AAMPArmy Aviation Modernization Plan
AAMPAsian American Mentor Program (Pomona College)
AAMPAnnual Asset Management Plan (UK)
AAMPAdvanced Automation Methodology Project
AAMPArmy Automation Master Plan (US Army)
AAMPAfrican American Mobilization Project