CATTComputer-Aided Translation Tool
CATTComputer-Aided Test Tool
CATTCombined Arms Tactical Trainer
CATTCenter for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications
CATTCard Agglutination Test with Stained Trypanosomes (medical test)
CATTCard Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis
CATTChinese Academy of Telecommunications Technology (Beijing, China)
CATTCampaign Against Tiger Trafficking
CATTCenter for Advanced Transportation Technologies
CATTComputer Assisted Technology Transfer
CATTContractors Association of Truckee Tahoe (California)
CATTComputerized Axial Transverse Tomography (medical imaging technique; now Computed Tomography)
CATTCompanion Animal Touch & Therapies (Beach Park, Illinois)
CATTControlled Avalanche Transit Time
CATTComputer-Automated Transportation Tool
CATTComplications of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatment Trials (trial of Avastin vs Lucentis)