CCNCMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) Certification Number
CCNChurch Communication Network
CCNComplex Communication Needs (various locations)
CCNConvention Collective Nationale (French: National Collective Bargaining Agreement)
CCNCherry Creek North (Denver, CO; shopping area)
CCNCarson City (Amtrak station code; Carson City, NV)
CCNCertified Clinical Nutritionist
CCNCapitale Circolante Netto (Italian: Net Working Capital)
CCNCloud Condensation Nuclei
CCNCritical Care Nurse
CCNCommission de la Capitale Nationale (French: National Capital Commission; Canada)
CCNConseil Consultatif National (French: National Advisory Council)
CCNCommunity Care Network
CCNComputer and Communications Network
CCNCordless Communication Network
CCNCredit Card Network
CCNCampus Computer Network
CCNContinuous Control Node
CCNCyr61-Ctgf-Nov (proteins)
CCNCollege Central Network (jobs)
CCNCentre Chorégraphique National (French: National Choreographic Center)
CCNCapstone College of Nursing (University of Alabama)
CCNCorvette Club Norway
CCNCredit Card Number
CCNConseil Canadien des Normes (Standards Council of Canada)
CCNCarrier Comfort Network (HVAC)
CCNCyclomatic Complexity Number (software metric)
CCNCharging Control Node (Ericsson)
CCNCardiac Care Network
CCNClimate Change Network (various organizations)
CCNCorruption, Collusion, and Nepotism (objectionable business practices)
CCNCouncil of Churches in Namibia
CCNCenter for Cognitive Neuroscience (University of Pennsylvania)
CCNCaribbean Communications Network
CCNCenter for Civic Networking
CCNConference Call Notes (reports)
CCNCommunity Compassion Network
CCNCross Country National (racing)
CCNCarrying Capacity Network
CCNCanadian Corporate News
CCNCrossroads Career Network
CCNCertified Contractors Network
CCNCoastal Community Network (Canada)
CCNCentre Cardiologique du Nord (French: North Cardiological Center)
CCNComputer Consulting Network (advertising)
CCNCatholic Communications Network
CCNClay Coated News (packaging)
CCNClil Cascade Network (EU)
CCNCommand and Control North (Vietnam, US special forces unit)
CCNCreative Communication Network (various organizations)
CCNCategory Control Number (Underwriters Laboratories)
CCNContract Change Notice
CCNCounty Councils Network (Special Interest Group within the Local Government Association, UK)
CCNCommon Communication Network (European network infrastructure)
CCNConstabulary Communication Network
CCNContent-Centric Networking
CCNClaim Control Number (Medicare tracking number)
CCNChina Commodity Net
CCNCareer Center Network (San Diego)
CCNCanadian Cohousing Network
CCNCustomer Contact Name
CCNCentre de Communication Nord (French: Northern Communications Center; Brussels, Belgium)
CCNCareer Counseling Network (various schools)
CCNChristian Connection Network
CCNCase Control Number
CCNChemical Consultants Network
CCNCommunity Conservation Network (Honolulu, HI)
CCNCommunity Chat Network (IRC)
CCNCycle Component Network (various locations)
CCNCredit Cards Now
CCNChemistry Contact Network
CCNCybergrace Christian Network
CCNClover Corner News (4-H clubs)
CCNCompanhia Colonial de Navegação (Lisbon, Portugal steamship company)
CCNComputer Communications Network
CCNColorectal Cancer Network
CCNClimate Capital Network (various locations)
CCNCable Communication Nagaragawa (Gifu, Japan)
CCNCroatian Commercial Network
CCNConfiguration Change Notice
CCNCréation de Contenu Numérique (French: Digital Content Creation)
CCNContrôle Commande Numérique (French: Digital Command Control)
CCNCalling Card Number
CCNCerebro Cortical Necrosis
CCNContinuous Control Node (Cisco)
CCNCanoë Club Normand (French: Normandy Canoe Club; Normandy, France)
CCNCommon Core Network (IPv6)
CCNContract Change Notification
CCNCell Change Notification (network assisted cell change procedure in GSM/GPRS networks)
CCNCommunauté de Communes du Naucellois (French: Naucellois Community of Communes; Naucelle, France)
CCNCertified Critical Care Nurse
CCNContract Change Negotiation (NASA)
CCNCommunauté Chemin Neuf (Chemin Neuf Community; Lyon, France)
CCNChange Control Number
CCNConsistent Checkpoint Number
CCNCategory Code Number
CCNCopper Cable Network (Afghanistan)
CCNCréation et Communication Numérique (French: Creation and Digital Communication)
CCNComedy Central Nederland (Dutch: Comedy Central Netherlands; TV station)
CCNCooperative Caring Network
CCNCommon Control Node
CCNCommand Center Network
CCNClassification Change Notice
CCNConstruction Change Notice
CCNCustomer Coordination Node
CCNCampus Christian Network (various universities; Ghana)
CCNCriminal Case Number (police report)
CCNComplaint Control Number (law enforcement)
CCNContinental Control Network
CCNContract Completion Notice
CCNCOMSEC Controlling Node
CCNClinical Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (various locations)
CCNCisco Content Networking Architecture (Cisco)
CCNCross-Connect Network (AT&T)
CCNCrittenden Connection Networks
CCNChauffage et Climatisation du Nord (French: Northern Heating and Air)
CCNCommunauté Chrétienne des Nations (French: Christian Community of Nations; Cameroon)
CCNCornwall Capital Network (Canada)
CCNCommercial Circuit Number
CCNComcast Cable Network
CCNConnective Tissue Growth Factor Cystein-Rich Protein Nephroblastoma Overexpressed
CCNCritical Carbon Number
CCNCompassion Capital Network (Our Health, Inc.)