Acronym | Definition |
CCO | Cancer Care Ontario (Canada) |
CCO | Chief Compliance Officer (corporate title) |
CCO | Cisco Connection Online (Cisco Systems) |
CCO | Chief Creative Officer (corporate title) |
CCO | Clear Channel Outdoor (various locations) |
CCO | Camp Chief Ouray (Granby, CO) |
CCO | Chief Credit Officer (banking) |
CCO | Chief Customer Officer (corporate title) |
CCO | Community College Outreach (various organizations) |
CCO | Common Course Outline (various schools) |
CCO | Cisco Connection Online |
CCO | Catalytic Converter |
CCO | Chief Commercial Officer |
CCO | Contract Commercial Organization (various companies) |
CCO | Cell Change Order (wireless communications) |
CCO | Chief Communications Officer (corporate title) |
CCO | Criminal Code Offenses (various locations) |
CCO | Central Coordinating Office (Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence) |
CCO | Chief of the Contracting Office (various government agencies) |
CCO | Continuous Cardiac Output |
CCO | Cytochrome C Oxidase |
CCO | Consultation Coordination Officer (various locations) |
CCO | Catholic Christian Outreach (Canada) |
CCO | Chief of Combat Operations (US Air Force) |
CCO | Citigroup Country Officer |
CCO | Clandestine Communist Organization |
CCO | College of Chiropractors of Ontario |
CCO | Coal Controller Organization (India) |
CCO | Centre de Communication de l'Ouest (French: Communication Center of the West) |
CCO | Close Combat Optic |
CCO | Chief Clinical Officer (healthcare) |
CCO | Certified Crane Operator |
CCO | Contract Change Order |
CCO | Community Corrections Officer |
CCO | Conservative Central Office (UK) |
CCO | Cyber Control Order (US Air Force) |
CCO | Contingency Contracting Officer |
CCO | Customer Care Online (software) |
CCO | Comptoir Change Opéra (French currency exchange office; est. 1955) |
CCO | Church Community Organization (Kansas City, MO) |
CCO | Current Controlled Oscillator |
CCO | Complex Contingency Operations |
CCO | Condemned: Criminal Origins (video game) |
CCO | Combat Cargo Officer |
CCO | Chief Carbon Officer |
CCO | Canadian Cadet Organizations |
CCO | Catholic Conference of Ohio (Columbus, Ohio) |
CCO | Central Control Officer |
CCO | Communauté de Communes d'Oyonnax (French: Community of Communes of Oyonnax; Oyonnax, France) |
CCO | Centre de Contrôle des Opérations (French: Operations Control Center; various companies) |
CCO | COMINT Channels Only |
CCO | Construction Council of Ontario (Union) |
CCO | Concord Chamber Orchestra (Milwaukee, WI) |
CCO | Chief Consulting Officer (corporate title) |
CCO | Crystal Controlled Oscillator |
CCO | Charlotte Civic Orchestra (Charlotte, NC) |
CCO | Chief of Combined Operations |
CCO | Can't Call Out |
CCO | Cópia de Carbono Oculta (Portuguese: Blind Carbon Copy) |
CCO | Customer Care Office |
CCO | Coastal Caribbean Oils & Minerals, Ltd (former stock symbol; now delisted) |
CCO | Circuit Control Officer |
CCO | Container Control Officer |
CCO | Continuity-Check Outgoing |
CCO | Circuit Control Office |
CCO | Canadian College of Organists |
CCO | Computer Center Operator |
CCO | Création Concept Optique (French eyeglass designer) |
CCO | Chief Control Officer |
CCO | Cercle des Compagnons d'Oniros (French: Oniros Fellowship Circle; gaming community) |
CCO | Circumpolar Coordination Office (University of the Arctic; Rovaniemi, Finland) |
CCO | Centre Catalan d'Oncologie (French: Catalan Oncology Center) |
CCO | Conception à Coûts Objectifs (French: Design to Cost Objectives; business methodology) |
CCO | Combat Control Officer (Canadian naval equivalent of USN TAO and Royal Navy PWO) |
CCO | Central Contracting Office |
CCO | Communications Collection Outstation |
CCO | Certified Court Officer (Deputy Sheriffs Association of Michigan) |
CCO | Centre de Conventions d'Oran (French: Oran Convention Center; Oran, Algeria) |
CCO | Cadet Chief Officer |
CCO | Classified Control Officer |
CCO | Compound Cycle Engine |
CCO | Christian Care Organization |
CCO | Canberra Community Orchestra (now renamed the National Capital Orchestra) |
CCO | Clinchfield Railroad Company |
CCO | Counterpoint Community Orchestra (Canada) |
CCO | Critical Compliance Objective |
CCO | Collapsed Central Office (Tachion Networks, Inc.) |
CCO | Computing Center Operations |
CCO | Claims Central Office (insurance) |
CCO | Communications Control Officer |