Acronym | Definition |
CMRE | Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (NATO) |
CMRE | Centcom Materiel Recovery Element |
CMRE | Centcom Material Retrograde Element |
CMRE | Canal de la Marne au Rhin Est (French: Canal of the Marne to the East Rhine) |
CMRE | Charles Meurant Real Estate (French real estate company) |
CMRE | Committee for Monetary Research & Education (Charlotte, NC) |
CMRE | Coy Miller Race Engines (Harrisonburg, VA) |
CMRE | Catania Medrano Real Estate (Newtown, New South Wales, Victoria, Australia) |
CMRE | Cummings-McCraney Real Estate (Newberry, MI) |
CMRE | Colorado Monthly Reporting Experiment |