Acronym | Definition |
CLH | Centre Lorrain de l'Habitat (French housing maintenance company) |
CLH | Clandeboye Lodge Hotel (UK) |
CLH | Clinical Laboratories of Hawaii, LLP (est. 1971) |
CLH | Comités Locaux de l'Habitat (French: Local Housing Committees) |
CLH | Centre Liégeois d'Homéopathie (French: Liege Centre of Homeopathy; Liege, Belgium) |
CLH | Crawford Long Hospital (Emory University; Atlanta, GA) |
CLH | Chicago Lakeshore Hospital (Chicago, IL) |
CLH | Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos CLH, SA |
CLH | California Lutheran Homes |
CLH | Hard Clam (FAO species code) |
CLH | Cleft-Limb-Heart Malformation Syndrome |
CLH | Certification en Logistique Humanitaire (French: Certification in Humanitarian Logistics) |
CLH | Lufthansa Cityline Airlines (ICAO code) |
CLH | Comité Liaison Handicapés (French: Disabled Liaison Committee) |
CLH | Cercle Laïque d'Houdain (French basketball club) |
CLH | Charterer's Liability to damage to Hull (marine insurance) |