Acronym | Definition |
ECL | Enhanced Chemiluminescence |
ECL | Ecole Centrale de Lyon (French: Central School of Lyon; France) |
ECL | Electrochemiluminescence |
ECL | Ecolab, Inc. (stock symbol) |
ECL | English and Comparative Literature |
ECL | Emitter-Coupled Logic |
ECL | Exit Control List (Pakistan) |
ECL | Educational Community License (open source license) |
ECL | Eastern Coalfields Limited (India) |
ECL | Environmental Conservation Law (New York) |
ECL | Expert-Comptable en Ligne (French: Online Chartered Accountant) |
ECL | European Champions League (soccer) |
ECL | External Cavity Laser |
ECL | English Comprehension Level |
ECL | Enterprise Class Library |
ECL | Emitter Coupled Logic |
ECL | Association of European Cancer Leagues (Brussels, Belgium) |
ECL | Equity Credit Line (finance) |
ECL | Export Control List (Canada Border Services Agency) |
ECL | Effective Character Level (Dungeons & Dragons gaming) |
ECL | East Coast Low |
ECL | Embeddable Common-Lisp |
ECL | Eastern Car Liner (Japan) |
ECL | Energy Conservation Law (various locations) |
ECL | Espérance Calonne Liévin (French soccer club) |
ECL | Enterprise Control Language (computing) |
ECL | Execution Control List |
ECL | European Cancer League |
ECL | Early Childhood Learning (various locations) |
ECL | End of Custody Licence (UK) |
ECL | European Community Law |
ECL | E-Caprolactone (chemistry) |
ECL | Emergency Classification Level |
ECL | Engine Control Lever |
ECL | Economic Contract Law (China) |
ECL | Enterochromaffin-Like Cells |
ECL | Electronic Cash Letter (banking and finance) |
ECL | External Code List (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs) |
ECL | Expanded Content Label |
ECL | Equity Commitment Letter |
ECL | Express Couriers Limited (New Zealand) |
ECL | European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages |
ECL | Eradication of Child Labor |
ECL | École de Conduite Lexovienne (French driving school) |
ECL | Existing Chemicals List |
ECL | European Cyber League |
ECL | Européenne Carrosserie Laurent (French automobile repair company) |
ECL | Executive Control Language |
ECL | EMW Capability List (EMW = Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare) |
ECL | Étanchéité Couverture Lauragaise (French roofing company) |
ECL | École de Conduite Laumière (French driving school) |
ECL | Energy Conservation Loan Program (Connecticut) |
ECL | Evangelism to Communist Lands |
ECL | European Combat League (gaming) |
ECL | École, Collège, Lycée (French: School, College, High School) |
ECL | Easy Compression Library (software) |
ECL | Esterel-C Language (project) |
ECL | Equipment Component List |
ECL | Environmental Chemical Laboratory |
ECL | Edinburgh City Libraries (Scotland, UK) |
ECL | East Coast LAN (gaming organization) |
ECL | Electric Control Loading |
ECL | Effective Code Length |
ECL | Engine Condition Lever |
ECL | Executive Command Level |
ECL | Euro Cable Labs |
ECL | Emergency Cooling Limits |
ECL | Electronic Communication Language |
ECL | Economic Conformance Level |
ECL | External Countermeasure Launcher |
ECL | Extra Credit Library |
ECL | Equipment Control List |
ECL | Engineering Change Letter |
ECL | Ecole de Cadres de Lausanne (Switzerland) |