Acronym | Definition |
ASC | ASCII (File Name Extension) |
ASC | American Society of Cinematographers |
ASC | Authorized Service Center |
ASC | American Southwest Conference (NCAA Division III) |
ASC | Australian Sports Commission |
ASC | Accredited Standards Committee |
ASC | Adams State College (Alamosa, Colorado) |
ASC | Ambulatory Surgical Center |
ASC | Ambulatory Surgery Center |
ASC | American Society of Criminology |
ASC | Ambulatory Surgery Centers |
ASC | Aeronautical Systems Center (AFMC) |
ASC | Alaska Science Center |
ASC | Agnes Scott College |
ASC | Accounting Standards Codification (trademark of the Financial Accounting Standards Board) |
ASC | Auto Supply Company (Los Angeles, CA and Bowdon, GA) |
ASC | American Sales Company (Lancaster, NY) |
ASC | Academic Success Center |
ASC | Army Service Corps (Australia) |
ASC | Ascendant |
ASC | Anti-Spyware Coalition |
ASC | Alberta Securities Commission (Alberta, Canada) |
ASC | Adult Social Care (UK) |
ASC | Art Sex Crime |
ASC | America's Servicing Company (Wells Fargo Home Mortgage) |
ASC | Aquaculture Stewardship Council (Netherlands) |
ASC | Advanced Simulation and Computing |
ASC | Agence Spatiale Canadienne (Canadian Space Agency) |
ASC | After School Care |
ASC | Ascension Island |
ASC | African Studies Center (various locations) |
ASC | Automatic Stability Control (BMW) |
ASC | Austrian Scholars Conference |
ASC | Amateur Swimming Club |
ASC | Annenberg School for Communication (Philadelphia, PA) |
ASC | American Solar Challenge |
ASC | Afrika-Studiecentrum (African Studies Center) |
ASC | Another Satisfied Customer |
ASC | Application Support Center (Immigration and Naturalization Service) |
ASC | Armed Services Committee |
ASC | Academic Search Complete (database) |
ASC | Alianza Social Continental (Spanish: Hemispheric Social Alliance) |
ASC | Aesthetic Surgery Center (various locations) |
ASC | Alfred State College |
ASC | Army Sustainment Command |
ASC | Adult Stem Cell |
ASC | Adhesive and Sealant Council, Inc. (Arlingron, VA) |
ASC | Alabama Securities Commission |
ASC | Academy for Sustainable Communities (Department for Communities and Local Government; UK) |
ASC | Acquisition Support Center (formerly ACMO and AAESA) |
ASC | Arci Servizio Civile (Italian: ARCI Civil Service) |
ASC | American Standard Code |
ASC | Acceleration Skid Control |
ASC | anti Slip Control |
ASC | Advanced Smart Cache |
ASC | Automatic Sizing and Centering |
ASC | Adjustable Speed Control |
ASC | Automatic Sequence Control |
ASC | All Season Traction Control |
ASC | Automatic Stability Control |
ASC | Active Stability Control |
ASC | Auditor Security Collection |
ASC | Active Skid Control |
ASC | Asynchronous Serial Channel |
ASC | Active Service Component |
ASC | Application Solutions Center |
ASC | American Specialty Cars |
ASC | Automotive Safety Centre |
ASC | Active Setup Controls |
ASC | Ascender |
ASC | Action Script Communication |
ASC | Apple Sound Chip |
ASC | Abstract Syntax Checker |
ASC | American Sunroof Company |
ASC | Adaptive Shift Control |
ASC | Authorised Support Center |
ASC | Active Steering Control |
ASC | Authorised Service Center |
ASC | Accredited Sales Consultant |
ASC | anti Spyware Coalition |
ASC | Access Service Class |
ASC | anti Spam Coalition |
ASC | Aerospace Corporation |
ASC | Additional Sense Code |
ASC | Anglo-Saxon Chronicle |
ASC | American Society for Cybernetics |
ASC | Australian Securities Commission |
ASC | American Snuff Company (Reynolds American) |
ASC | Agricultural Science Center (various locations) |
ASC | Air Service Center (various locations) |
ASC | American Society of Cytopathology |
ASC | Alpine Ski Club (various locations) |
ASC | Applied Superconductivity Conference |
ASC | Area of Special Concern |
ASC | Asian Studies Center |
ASC | Altered State of Consciousness |
ASC | A Solar Company (California) |
ASC | Arch Support Comfort (footwear) |
ASC | Air Systems Command (US DoD) |
ASC | Accounting Standards Committee |
ASC | Airport Security Coordinator |
ASC | Additional Service Credit (various locations) |
ASC | Association of Student Councils (various locations) |
ASC | After School Club |
ASC | Aero Sports Connection |
ASC | Australian Science Communicators (Australia) |
ASC | Antibody Secreting Cells |
ASC | Adelaide Sailing Club (Australia) |
ASC | Agriculture Soutenue par la Communauté (Ecological Agriculture Program) |
ASC | Applied Superconductivity Center (various schools) |
ASC | Australian Submarine Corporation |
ASC | Award Selection Committee (various organizations) |
ASC | ASEAN Security Community |
ASC | American Systems Corporation |
ASC | Academic Staff College |
ASC | Associate in Science (degree) |
ASC | Arts & Science Council (Charlotte, NC) |
ASC | Alzheimer Society of Canada |
ASC | Association for Survey Computing |
ASC | Airport Service Charge (various organizations) |
ASC | Army Signal Corps |
ASC | Associated Specialty Contractors |
ASC | ABG Sundal Collier ASA (Norwegian investment bank) |
ASC | All Seniors Care (Canada) |
ASC | American Service Center (various locations) |
ASC | American Safari Cruises (Seattle, WA) |
ASC | American Steamship Company |
ASC | Auto Skills Center |
ASC | Autism Spectrum Condition |
ASC | Audit Sub-Committee (various locations) |
ASC | Admissions and Standards Committee (various schools) |
ASC | Action for Sick Children (UK) |
ASC | Aurukun Shire Council (Australia) |
ASC | Army Signal Command |
ASC | Alumni Scholars Club (various locations) |
ASC | Akademisches Service Center (German: Academic Service Center) |
ASC | Aging Services of California (senior care advocate) |
ASC | Advanced Security Control (software) |
ASC | Advanced Scientific Computer |
ASC | Adorers of the Blood of Christ (religious order) |
ASC | Academic Support Course (various locations) |
ASC | Application for Site Certification (wind energy) |
ASC | Advanced Studies Certificate (education) |
ASC | American Standards Committee |
ASC | Aboriginal Students' Centre (University of Saskatchewan; Canada) |
ASC | Ashwaubenon Swim Club (Wisconsin) |
ASC | Anti Skid Control |
ASC | Atlanta Sports Council (Atlanta, GA) |
ASC | Administrative Services Center |
ASC | Association of Scottish Colleges |
ASC | Architectural Society of China (Beijing, China) |
ASC | Adventure Science Center (Nashville) |
ASC | Atlantic Street Center (Seattle, WA) |
ASC | Assessment Systems Corporation (St. Paul, MN) |
ASC | Amiens Sporting Club (French football club) |
ASC | Airspace Control |
ASC | Advertising Standards Council |
ASC | Animal Studies Committee (Washington University in St. Louis; Missouri) |
ASC | Arctic Studies Center |
ASC | Aruba Surf Club (timeshares; Marriott) |
ASC | Air Service Command |
ASC | Asthma Society of Canada |
ASC | Anthropological Studies Center |
ASC | Automatic Sensitivity Control |
ASC | Administrative Support Center |
ASC | Amateur Seismic Centre (India) |
ASC | Asian Seismological Commission |
ASC | American Stock Car Racing (also seen as ASCR) |
ASC | alt.smokers.cigars (usenet newsgroup) |
ASC | APEC Study Center |
ASC | Auxiliary Switch (breaker normally closed) |
ASC | Alabama Supercomputer Center |
ASC | Accounting Service Center |
ASC | Associated Securities Corp. (El Segundo, CA) |
ASC | Alimentation Sans Coupure |
ASC | Air Support Command |
ASC | Advisory Steering Committee (various organizations) |
ASC | Apple Sound Chip (Apple) |
ASC | Association of Caribbean States |
ASC | Academic Steering Committee (various universities) |
ASC | AUTODIN Switching Center |
ASC | Aeronautical Systems Command |
ASC | ArtSpeak China (online art resource) |
ASC | Access Suite Console (software; Citrix) |
ASC | Average System Cost |
ASC | Anbar Salvation Council (Iraq) |
ASC | Albanian Securities Commission |
ASC | Adhesives and Sealants Council |
ASC | Automatic Slope Control |
ASC | American Society of Biomechanics |
ASC | Amalgamation Steering Committee (various organizations) |
ASC | Area Source Category (environmental emissions) |
ASC | Aviation Safety Counselors |
ASC | Alliance for School Choice |
ASC | Assistant State Coordinator |
ASC | Air Support Control |
ASC | Availability Status Code |
ASC | Atlantic Slope Consortium |
ASC | Anterior Subcapsular Cataract (ophthalmology) |
ASC | Automatic Switching Center |
ASC | Administrative Services Committee |
ASC | Alien Space Craft (Star Trek) |
ASC | Aberdeen Soccer Casual (UK) |
ASC | Advanced Simulation Center |
ASC | Apple Solutions Consultants |
ASC | Aero Sport Connection |
ASC | Annual Scientific Convention (various organizations) |
ASC | Administrative Service Contract |
ASC | Auto Sport Club (Ontario) |
ASC | Alternative Specific Constants |
ASC | (newsgroup) |
ASC | Automatic Stacking Crane |
ASC | Airsoft Canada |
ASC | Automatic Selectivity Control |
ASC | Aquatic Research Facility (Canadian-designed and built space laboratory) |
ASC | Alignment Sensing and Control (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) |
ASC | Albert Sailing Club (Victoria, Australia) |
ASC | AIN Switch Capabilities |
ASC | Access Service Coordinator |
ASC | All-State Career (Pennsylvania) |
ASC | Advanced Systems Center |
ASC | Automatic Sequence Control (part of ship control & management system) |
ASC | Automatic System Controller |
ASC | Arbor Safety Consulting Services (Canada) |
ASC | American Satellite Corporation |
ASC | Arctic Status Cloud |
ASC | Anti-Static Coating (for CRTs) |
ASC | Adrian Soaring Club (aviation) |
ASC | Above Suspended Ceiling (architecture) |
ASC | Alpha Sigma Chi (fraternity for intelligence and national security studies) |
ASC | Audit Services Canada |
ASC | Anti-Social Club |
ASC | Alpha Sigma Chi (sorority) |
ASC | All Source Cell |
ASC | Advertising Sales Coordinator |
ASC | Assembly of Civil Sectors (Guatemala) |
ASC | Allowance Source Code |
ASC | Alan Short Center (Stockton, CA) |
ASC | Area Signal Center |
ASC | Advanced Structural Components |
ASC | Application Specific Computers Ltd. |
ASC | Analog Station Card (Teltronics Vision PBX) |
ASC | Ambazac Sprinter Club (France) |
ASC | Agriculture Stewardship Center (Dordt College, Sioux Center, IA) |
ASC | Alpha Software Corporation |
ASC | Alarm Substance Cells |
ASC | Aerospace Systems Course (Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Studies) |
ASC | Advanced Satellite Control |
ASC | Area of Special Character (UK) |
ASC | Aviation Service Code |
ASC | Airman Second Class (Army) |
ASC | Analog Service Channel |
ASC | Average System Content |
ASC | Chief Aviation Support Equipment Technician (Naval Rating) |
ASC | Alexandria Sporting Club |
ASC | Active Smoke Control |
ASC | Atomic-Sized Contacts |
ASC | Acting Service Chief (US DoD) |
ASC | Acting Shakespeare Company |
ASC | Administration Services Center |
ASC | Associative Structure Computer |
ASC | Argument Structure Constructions |
ASC | Assign Switch Classmarks |
ASC | Army Space Council |
ASC | American Sunroof Company, Inc. |
ASC | Abnormal Station Codes |
ASC | Advice of Schedule Change (airlines) |
ASC | Aerospace Service & Controls, Inc |
ASC | Air Support Coordinator |
ASC | Acronym Shortage Crisis (humor) |
ASC | Automatic Digital Network switching center (US DoD) |
ASC | ATCCS Steering Committee |
ASC | Associate Support Center |
ASC | Allied Support Completion |
ASC | Annuity and Supplementary Contract |
ASC | Authorized Subordinate Command |
ASC | Activity Sequence Code |
ASC | Abnormal Station Condition (Hekimian) |
ASC | Automation Security Committee |
ASC | Automatic Service Configuration |
ASC | Altitude Stabilization and Control |
ASC | Allowance Support Code |
ASC | Aerospace Systems Center |
ASC | Automatic Synchronized Control |
ASC | Aircraft System Controller |
ASC | Acoustic Seabed Charting |
ASC | Administrative Safety Control |
ASC | Ammonia Scrubber Condensate |
ASC | Annapolis Surf Club, Inc. (Annapolis, MD) |
ASC | Additional Specialty Code |
ASC | Adaptive Sidelobe Cancellers |
ASC | Advance Strategic Consulting (Surrey, BC, Canada) |
ASC | Alternative Space Craft |
ASC | Alternative System of Control |
ASC | Abnormal State Condition |
ASC | ANI Switch Capability |
ASC | Anaerobic Swim Capacity |
ASC | Auxiliary Storage Cassette |
ASC | Aviation Services Coordinator |
ASC | Access Service Company |
ASC | Association des Sports de Chelles (French: Sports Association of Chelles; Chelles, France) |
ASC | Area Support Commander |
ASC | Austin Spondylitis Centre |
ASC | Austrian Society for Cytometry (Vienna, Austria) |
ASC | Application Services Class |
ASC | American School of Counseling |
ASC | Automatic Systems Control |
ASC | Atlantic Staffing Consultants Inc (St. John's, NL, Canada) |
ASC | Application Specific Cable |
ASC | Avalanche Stress Capability |
ASC | Army Simulation Center |
ASC | Alliance Strategic Concept (NATO) |
ASC | Associates Services Center |
ASC | Avionics Simulation Computer |
ASC | Agent Storage Container (fire safety) |
ASC | Agency Support Central |
ASC | Advanced Systems/Ship Concept |
ASC | Afghan Studies Center (University of Nebraska) |
ASC | Airborne Software Change |
ASC | Aircraft Systems Computer (aerospace/avionics) |
ASC | Air Support Controller |
ASC | Automatic Split Charge (vehicle electrical systems) |
ASC | Advanced Statistics Controller |
ASC | Alaska Sportsmen's Council |
ASC | Axially Symmetric Cassegrain (antenna) |
ASC | Ain Shahayota Committee (Bangladesh) |
ASC | Alexandria Sugar Company (Egypt) |
ASC | Application Solutions Centers |
ASC | Architects' Standard Catalogue (UK) |
ASC | Amity Soccer Club (Connecticut) |
ASC | Anglet Subaquatique Club (French: Anglet Underwater Club; Anglet, France) |
ASC | Applied Security Consulting Limited (UK) |