Acronym | Definition |
ECM | Electronic Countermeasures |
ECM | Enterprise Content Management |
ECM | Engine Control Module |
ECM | Electronic Control Module |
ECM | Essentials of Clinical Medicine (various schools) |
ECM | Extracellular Matrix |
ECM | Every Child Matters (UK) |
ECM | Educazione Continua in Medicina (Italy) |
ECM | Error Correction Mode |
ECM | Electronic Content Management |
ECM | Electret Condenser Microphone |
ECM | Engineering Conception Maintenance (Belgian engineering consulting firm) |
ECM | Enterprise Compensation Management (software) |
ECM | École de Commerce et de Management (French: School of Business and Management) |
ECM | Elliptic Curve Method |
ECM | École Centrale Marseille (French: Marseille Central School; Marseille, France) |
ECM | Executive Committee Member (various organizations) |
ECM | Engineering Construction Management (various locations) |
ECM | Error Correction Model |
ECM | European Congress of Mathematics |
ECM | Electronic Commerce Management |
ECM | Engine Control Management |
ECM | Electronic Counter Measures |
ECM | Extended Color Mode |
ECM | Ethernet Networking Control Model |
ECM | Extended Cable Manager |
ECM | Enterprise Configuration Manager |
ECM | Entitlement Control Message |
ECM | Enterprise Component Modeling |
ECM | Electronically Commutated Motor |
ECM | Engineering Change Management |
ECM | Electro-Chemical Machining |
ECM | Economic Capital Model |
ECM | Electronic Counter Measure |
ECM | Environmental Compliance Manager |
ECM | Enterprise Client Management (software) |
ECM | Early Childhood Music |
ECM | Energy Conservation Measure |
ECM | European Cities Monitor (survey) |
ECM | Espace Culture Multimédia (French: Multimedia Espace Culture) |
ECM | Energy Conservation Management |
ECM | Episcopal City Mission (Massachusetts) |
ECM | Equipment Condition Monitoring |
ECM | Equity Capital Market |
ECM | Enterprise Change Management |
ECM | Every Child Ministries (Hebron, IN) |
ECM | Emerging Capital Market |
ECM | Erythema Chronicum Migrans |
ECM | Email Content Management |
ECM | energy-corrected milk |
ECM | European Christian Mission (various nations) |
ECM | Error Correction Mechanism (economics/trade) |
ECM | Engine Condition Monitoring |
ECM | European Common Market |
ECM | Enhanced Case Management (various locations) |
ECM | Enterprise Configuration Management |
ECM | Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing |
ECM | Existing Customer Management |
ECM | Editions of Contemporary Music (Munich, Germany record company) |
ECM | Entitlement Control Message (digital video) |
ECM | Enterprise Commerce Management |
ECM | École de Comédie Musicale de Paris (French: Paris Musical Comedy School; Paris, France) |
ECM | Exceptional Case Marking (grammar syntax theory) |
ECM | Ecole-Club Migros (Swiss health club) |
ECM | Étude et Conception Mécanique (French engineering company) |
ECM | Executive Career Management |
ECM | Erosion Control Mat |
ECM | Eric Carle Museum (Massachusetts) |
ECM | East Central Minnesota |
ECM | Exempt Commercial Market |
ECM | Entity Coordination Management (FDDI) |
ECM | Enterprise Compliance Management |
ECM | Earth Covered Magazine (concrete structure used to store ammuntion) |
ECM | Enterprise Composite Model (Cisco) |
ECM | Employment Case Manager (various organizations) |
ECM | Electro Cell Manipulator |
ECM | Electric Cipher Machine (US Navy) |
ECM | Enseignement Catholique Meldois (French: Meldois Catholic Education; Meaux, France) |
ECM | Engineering, Construction and Maintenance |
ECM | Endpoint Congestion Management (IETF) |
ECM | Earliest Childhood Memory (psychology) |
ECM | Emap Consumer Media (UK) |
ECM | Executive Client Management (various companies) |
ECM | École de Combat Médiéval (French: Medieval Combat School) |
ECM | Electronics Contract Manufacturer |
ECM | Engineering Coordination Memo |
ECM | Early Childhood Ministries (Coral Springs, FL) |
ECM | Engineering Coordination Memorandum |
ECM | Early Christian Monument |
ECM | Épidémiologie Clinique et Médecine (French: Clinical Epidemiology and Medicine) |
ECM | Error Covariance Matrix |
ECM | Ecumenical Christian Ministry (Kansas) |
ECM | Entry Clearance Manager (UK immigration) |
ECM | Euro Carreaux Matériaux (French tile company) |
ECM | Enterprise Component Modeling (Platinum Technology) |
ECM | Enterprise Channel Management |
ECM | École de Conduite Manzoni (French driving school) |
ECM | Expander Connection Manager (SAS) |
ECM | Electronic Cigarettes Mart |
ECM | Espace Cadres Marseille (French retirement association) |
ECM | Endothelial Cell Multimerin |
ECM | Emergency Changeover Message (CCS #7/ITU-T) |
ECM | Equivalent Current Method |
ECM | Environmental Cooling Module |
ECM | Exam Content Manual |
ECM | Electronic Commerce Manager |
ECM | Electronic Component Manufacturer |
ECM | Expendable Crew Member (science fiction character) |
ECM | Electro-Chemical Migration (blooming and dendrite growth in PCAs due to electro-chemical reaction) |
ECM | Everyplace Connection Manager (IBM) |
ECM | Evaluation Capability Module |
ECM | Estonian Centre on Medicines |
ECM | Error Checking Mode (fax) |
ECM | Eggwhite Cervical Mucus (fertility charting) |
ECM | Extensible Call Model (Cisco) |
ECM | Engineering Change Modification |
ECM | Engine Cranking Mode |
ECM | Ectomycorrhyzae |
ECM | Echo Canceler Method |
ECM | Enterprise Control Manager (software change management application tool for AMC GDSS II) |
ECM | Enhanced Communications Manager |
ECM | Ends Center Matched |
ECM | Executive Control Message |
ECM | Exponential Correlation Model |
ECM | École de Charité et de Mission de Marseille (French: Marseille Charity and Mission School; Marseille, France) |
ECM | Eddy Current Monitoring (nuclear power) |
ECM | Exposure Control Monitor |