Acronym | Definition |
ASCC | Australian Safety and Compensation Council |
ASCC | Adaptive Services Control Center |
ASCC | Alabama Southern Community College |
ASCC | American Society for the Control of Cancer (now American Cancer Society) |
ASCC | American Society of Concrete Contractors |
ASCC | Army Service Component Command |
ASCC | Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator |
ASCC | American Samoa Community College |
ASCC | Australian Stem Cell Centre |
ASCC | Asian Control Conference |
ASCC | Advanced Sports Car Concept (Acura) |
ASCC | Air Station Cape Cod (US Coast Guard) |
ASCC | Air Standardization Coordinating Committee |
ASCC | Association of Scottish Community Councils |
ASCC | Adenoid Squamous Cell Carcinoma (oncology) |
ASCC | Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists |
ASCC | Army Service Component Commander |
ASCC | Alice Springs Convention Centre (Australia) |
ASCC | Alaska Systems Coordinating Council (coordinates electric distribution in Alaska) |
ASCC | Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission |
ASCC | Arizona Association of Child Care |
ASCC | American Short Course Championships (swimming) |
ASCC | Australian Soil Conservation Council |
ASCC | Academia Sinica Computer Center |
ASCC | Ashland Specialty Chemical Company |
ASCC | Associated Students of Clark College (Vancouver, WA) |
ASCC | Airspace Coordination Centre |
ASCC | Available Short Circuit Current (measured in amperes) |
ASCC | American Stampless Cover Catalog (US Philatelic Classics Society) |
ASCC | Amstelland Senioren Computerclub (Dutch computer club) |
ASCC | Alternate Security Control Center |
ASCC | Army Standardization Coordinating Committee |
ASCC | Aviation Supply Control Center |
ASCC | Advanced Supply Chain Collaboration (software) |
ASCC | All Saints Catholic College (UK) |
ASCC | A Systems Communication Company |