Acronym | Definition |
ECMP | Equal Cost Multi Path |
ECMP | Equal Cost Multi-Path |
ECMP | Environmental, Civil and Mining Projects (South Africa) |
ECMP | Essex Chamber Music Players (Andover, MA) |
ECMP | Experimental Condensed Matter Physics |
ECMP | Électricité Chauffage Ménager Plomberie (French: Household Plumbing Heating Electrical) |
ECMP | Eiffage Construction Midi Pyrénées (French construction company) |
ECMP | Easier, Cheaper and More Personalised (Australia) |
ECMP | Études et Chantiers Midi-Pyrénées (French volunteer association) |
ECMP | Early Childhood Meeting Place (Indiana) |
ECMP | EXPRESS (Explicitly Requested Single Source) Count Management Protocol (computer networking) |
ECMP | Electro-Chemical Mechanical Planarization |
ECMP | Electronic Counter Measure Pod (gaming) |
ECMP | Electronic Commerce Messaging Protocol |
ECMP | Enterprise Content Management Practitioner |
ECMP | ECS Configuration Management Plan |
ECMP | Electronic Content Management Practitioner |
ECMP | Enterprise Change Management Professional (certification) |
ECMP | Environmental Compliance Management Plan |
ECMP | Elliptical Corrugated Metal Pipe (civil engineering) |
ECMP | Engine Care Maintenance Plan (aviation) |