Acronym | Definition |
CTT | Cable Television Toyama (Toyama, Japan) |
CTT | Correios (Portuguese Postal Service) |
CTT | Classic Toy Trains (magazine) |
CTT | Contrat de Travail Temporaire (French: Temporary Work Contract) |
CTT | Charity Technology Trust |
CTT | Certified Technical Trainer |
CTT | Character to Text |
CTT | Click to Type |
CTT | Center Tapped Terminated |
CTT | Contact List |
CTT | Copy to Texture |
CTT | Compatibility Test Tools |
CTT | Connection Traffic Table |
CTT | China Taiwan Time |
CTT | Computational Technology Toolkit |
CTT | Currency Transaction Tax (various locations) |
CTT | Career Technical Training (various organizations) |
CTT | Columbia Tristar Television (studio) |
CTT | Club Tennis de Table (French: Table Tennis Club) |
CTT | Can't Touch This (gaming clan) |
CTT | Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (collaboration) |
CTT | Centre for Technology Transfer (various agencies) |
CTT | Cape Town Tourism (South Africa) |
CTT | Conversion to Type (training; UK) |
CTT | Chicago Tap Theatre (dance company) |
CTT | Club Time Trial (stock car racing) |
CTT | Cairns Tilt Train (Australia) |
CTT | Connect the Thoughts (curricula) |
CTT | Critical Thinking Test |
CTT | Cotton-Top Tamarin (monkey) |
CTT | Centre for Traffic and Transport (Denmark) |
CTT | Common Task Training |
CTT | Champagne Tennis de Table (French: Champagne Table Tennis; Champagne, France) |
CTT | Commodity Transaction Tax |
CTT | Cryptologic Technician (Technical) (USN Rating) |
CTT | Cycles Tondeuses Tronçonneuses (French: Cycles Mowers Chainsaws) |
CTT | Centre des Tubercules Tropicaux (French: Tropical Root Center) |
CTT | Common Task Test (US Army) |
CTT | Collaborative Team Teaching |
CTT | Cartridge Tape Transport |
CTT | Commander's Tactical Terminal |
CTT | Cranial Tibial Thrust (veterinary medicine) |
CTT | Correios, Telégrafos e Telefones (Posts, Telegraphs, and Telephones; Portuguese mail service) |
CTT | Core Technical Team (various locations) |
CTT | Character Translation Table |
CTT | Continuous Treatment Team |
CTT | Center-Tap Terminated (logic) |
CTT | Color Trails Test (neuropsychology) |
CTT | Centre Traditionnel de Taekwondo et Sonmudo (French: Traditional Taekwondo and Sunmudo Center) |
CTT | Closed, Transferring, and Transferred (ranges) |
CTT | Computer Telephone Technology (Covington, LA) |
CTT | Chrétiens Tous Terrains (French: Christians of All Terrains; Switzerland) |
CTT | Compatibility Test Trailer |
CTT | Consorzio Toscano Trasporti (Tuscany Transport Consortium, Italy) |
CTT | Combined Test Team |
CTT | Comp Time Taken (employee time reporting) |
CTT | Connection Traffic Table (Cisco) |
CTT | Connecticut Transit |
CTT | Capability to Transmit |
CTT | Counter Timer Trigger |
CTT | Compression Translation Table |
CTT | Collaborative Tools Testbed |
CTT | Common Test Training |
CTT | Concur Tasktrees (notation) |
CTT | Chronic Toxicity Test |
CTT | Common Training Task |
CTT | Counter Terror Teams |
CTT | Combat Training Tank |
CTT | Council for Travel and Tourism (UK) |
CTT | Crew Transfer Tunnel |
CTT | Cellular Transport Technology |
CTT | Committee on Technology Transfer (various organizations) |
CTT | Canadian Transportation Tribunal |
CTT | Correios, Telefones e Telégrafos (Portugese: Post offices, Telegraphs and Telephones) |
CTT | Cross Tabulated Table(s) |
CTT | Cyber-Toothed Tigers (FFFBI) |
CTT | Customer Trouble Ticket |
CTT | Converged Technology Training (Cisco) |
CTT | Cascaded Triplet Topology |
CTT | Combat Theater Trainer |
CTT | Computerized Transmission Tomography (clinical scanning method) |
CTT | Contractor Technical Test |
CTT | Crosby Township Trustees |
CTT | Communications Tactical Terminal |
CTT | Currency Transaction Trust |
CTT | Console Tape Transport |
CTT | Corporate Transformation Team (NAVSEA) |
CTT | CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) Certified Trainer (information technology certification) |
CTT | Chest Thoracostomy Tube |
CTT | Cyrillic True Type (font) |