Acronym | Definition |
CROP | Common Relevant Operational Picture |
CROP | Comparative Research Programme on Poverty |
CROP | College Reach-Out Program (Florida) |
CROP | Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty |
CROP | Civil Rights Outreach Project |
CROP | Centre de Rééducation de l’Ouïe et de la Parole (French: Rehabilitation Center for Hearing and Speech) |
CROP | Christian Rural Overseas Program |
CROP | Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific |
CROP | Cosmic Ray Observatory Project |
CROP | Common Relevant Operating Picture (less common) |
CROP | Centre de Recherche sur l'Opinion Publique |
CROP | Consolidated Rules of Practice |
CROP | Compliance Registered Options Principal |
CROP | Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization (chemistry) |
CROP | Container Roll In/Roll Out Platform |
CROP | Committee of Regional Organisations of the Pacific |
CROP | Container Recycling Operation |
CROP | Child Restraint Offenders Program |
CROP | Command Research Objectives Plan |
CROP | Communities Reach Out to People (fundraising walk) |