CROPCommon Relevant Operational Picture
CROPComparative Research Programme on Poverty
CROPCollege Reach-Out Program (Florida)
CROPCommunities Responding to Overcome Poverty
CROPCivil Rights Outreach Project
CROPCentre de Rééducation de l’Ouïe et de la Parole (French: Rehabilitation Center for Hearing and Speech)
CROPChristian Rural Overseas Program
CROPCouncil of Regional Organisations in the Pacific
CROPCosmic Ray Observatory Project
CROPCommon Relevant Operating Picture (less common)
CROPCentre de Recherche sur l'Opinion Publique
CROPConsolidated Rules of Practice
CROPCompliance Registered Options Principal
CROPCationic Ring-Opening Polymerization (chemistry)
CROPContainer Roll In/Roll Out Platform
CROPCommittee of Regional Organisations of the Pacific
CROPContainer Recycling Operation
CROPChild Restraint Offenders Program
CROPCommand Research Objectives Plan
CROPCommunities Reach Out to People (fundraising walk)