Acronym | Definition |
CTW | Total Carat Weight |
CTW | Companies to Watch |
CTW | Children's Television Workshop |
CTW | Capture the Wool (gaming) |
CTW | Communications Theory Workshop |
CTW | Conservative Time Windows |
CTW | Creative Wave |
CTW | Celcius Training Weapon (airsoft guns; Hong Kong) |
CTW | Commended to the Word (ministry; Santa Cruz, CA) |
CTW | Corporate Travel World |
CTW | Chelmsford Theatre Workshop (Chelmsford, UK) |
CTW | Conquer the World |
CTW | Career Transition Workshop (various locations) |
CTW | Changing the World |
CTW | Certified Tree Worker (International Society of Arboriculture) |
CTW | Cutting the Wires (mobile data solutions; UK) |
CTW | Context-Tree Weighting |
CTW | Crack the Whip |
CTW | Cologne-Twente Workshop |
CTW | Carbon Trade Watch |
CTW | Counter Terrorism Wing (Federal Investigative Agency; Pakistan) |
CTW | Clan Total War (gaming clan) |
CTW | Clifford T Ward (singer songwriter) |
CTW | Communications Theory Workshop (IEEE) |
CTW | Cheat to Win |
CTW | Computer Trade Weekly |
CTW | Criminal Trespass Warning |
CTW | Constructed Treatment Wetland |
CTW | Commando Training Wing |
CTW | Clothes That Work (volunteer organization; Dayton, OH) |
CTW | Clan of Tactical Warriors (gaming clan) |
CTW | Carry That Weight (Beatles song) |
CTW | Complain To Whom (spam prevention) |
CTW | Constructive Travel Worksheet |
CTW | Certified Technical Writer |
CTW | Code and Unit Test Walkthrough |
CTW | Cadet Training Weekend (Civil Air Patrol) |