Acronym | Definition |
CSH | Corporation for Supportive Housing (New Haven, CT, USA) |
CSH | Centre de Sciences Humaines (French: Human Sciences Center) |
CSH | Cold Spring Harbor (New York research laboratory) |
CSH | Combat Support Hospital |
CSH | City of Signal Hill (California) |
CSH | Chambéry Savoie Handball (French handball club) |
CSH | Custom Shapes |
CSH | Checkpoint Space Handler |
CSH | Complementary Software House |
CSH | C Shell |
CSH | Code for Sustainable Homes (UK) |
CSH | Coalinga State Hospital (Coalinga, CA) |
CSH | Council for Secular Humanism |
CSH | Context Sensitive Help |
CSH | Chocolate Supa Highway (Spearhead album) |
CSH | Calcium Silicate Hydrate |
CSH | Cellules Souches Hématopoïétiques (French: Hematopoietic Stem Cells) |
CSH | Community Service Hours |
CSH | C Shell Programming |
CSH | Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity |
CSH | Computer Science House |
CSH | Community Self-Help (various organizations) |
CSH | Convergence Santé Hôpital (French: Health Hospital Convergence) |
CSH | Caspian Holdings PLC (UK; stock symbol) |
CSH | Critical Systems Heuristics (behavioral science) |
CSH | Compagnie Saint-Hubert (French: Saint Hubert Company; est. 1983) |
CSH | Club Sportif Honfleurais (French sports club) |
CSH | Child Survival & Health (State department appropriation) |
CSH | Current-Sharing Hardening |
CSH | Coordination Syndicale Haïtienne (Haitian Trade Union Coordination) |
CSH | Combat Support Helicopter |
CSH | Club Subaquatique d'Hautmont (French: Hautmont Underwater Club; Hautmont, France) |
CSH | Chorionic Somatomammotropin Hormone |
CSH | Countersunk Hole |
CSH | Cornell Society of Hotelmen |
CSH | Convective-Stratiform Heating |
CSH | Cotton-Seed Hulls |
CSH | Computational Ship Hydrodynamics |