Acronym | Definition |
DFT | Discrete Fourier Transform |
DFT | Department for Transport (UK) |
DFT | Density Functional Theory |
DFT | Draft |
DFT | Drift |
DFT | Design For Test |
DFT | Drafting |
DFT | Dry Film Thickness |
DFT | Detroit Film Theatre (Detroit Institute of Arts; Detroit, MI) |
DFT | Design-For-Testability |
DFT | DuPont Fabros Technology, Inc. (Washington, DC) |
DFT | Drive Fitness Test |
DFT | Designed for Test |
DFT | Depth-First Traversal (algorithm) |
DFT | Diesel Fuel Treatment |
DFT | Defect and Fault Tolerance |
DFT | Detroit Federation of Teachers |
DFT | Demand Flow Technology |
DFT | Démences Fronto-Temporales (French: Frontotemporal dementia) |
DFT | Defibrillation Threshold |
DFT | Distributed Function Terminal |
DFT | Detailed Financial Transaction (healthcare data exchange) |
DFT | Direct Fourier Transform |
DFT | Diagnostic Function Test |
DFT | Deployment For Training |
DFT | Direct Funds Transfer |
DFT | Deep Flexor Tendon |
DFT | Delabre-France-Tôlerie (French sheet metal company) |
DFT | Dynamic Fault Tree |
DFT | Deal Fell Through |
DFT | Data Flow Testing |
DFT | Deaerating Feed Tank |
DFT | Dispersed Fibre Technology (Metflex; UK) |
DFT | Depot Field Team |
DFT | Development Flight-Test |
DFT | Down Flow Tent |
DFT | Deaerating Feedwater Tank |
DFT | Diploma in Footwear Technology (India) |
DFT | Deep Space Network Frequency and Timing System |
DFT | Digital Fourier Transform/Transformation |
DFT | Don't Fault the Teacher |
DFT | Design Flow Technology |
DFT | Dégénérescences Fronto-Temporales (French: Frontotemporal Degeneration; neurology) |
DFT | Defer First Transmission |
DFT | Disk Fault Tolerance |
DFT | Draft Tax Forms (IRS) |
DFT | Decayed and Filled Tooth (dentistry) |
DFT | Diploma in Film Technology |