CNPeoples' Republic of China (Top Level Domain abbreviation)
CNCartoon Network
CNCanadian National Railway
CNCommon Name
CNConnect (ITU-T)
CNCore Network
CNCyber Nations (web forum)
CNChange Notice
CNCommunications Network
CNCopper Nickel (product feature)
CNCognitive Neuroscience
CNCase Number
CNChuck Norris
CNCanonical Name (computer domain name resolution)
CNCertified Nurse
CNComplete Nutrition
CNCombined Nomenclature
CNCranial Nerve
CNCompany Number
CNComfortably Numb
CNChannel Number
CNComfort Noise (telephony)
CNCommand Network
CNCoordination Number (mathematics)
CNCellular Network
CNCarbon Nanotube
CNChina Netcom (est. 1999)
CNCorporate Network
CNConselho Nacional (Portuguese: National Council; East Timor party)
CNConvergence Numérique (French: Digital Convergence)
CNCuneo, Piemonte (Italian province)
CNCinéma Numérique (French: Digital Cinema)
CNCondensation Nucleus
CNConvergencia Nacional (Venezuelan Party)
CNCalifornia Northern (railroad)
CNCausal Nexus (gaming clan)
CNCustomer Network
CNCredit Note
CNCommunity Networking
CNContract Negotiation(s)
CNCaudate Nucleus (neuroanatomy)
CNColor Negative (film)
CNCellulose Nitrate
CNControl Node
CNCorrespondent Node
CNChaotic Neutral (gaming)
CNCounternarcotic (US DoD)
CNClinical Nutritionist
CNCentral Node
CNClient Node
CNCluster Number
CNCiment Naturel (French: Natural Cement)
CNCongenital Nystagmus
CNConstruction Number
CNCongressional Notification
CNChief of Navy (Australia, New Zealand)
CNCompass North
CNCalculation Note
CNCavan, Ireland
CNConstruction Notice
CNConstructionman (US Navy rating)
CNCinema Nation
CNConsignes de Navigabilite (French aviation authority)
CNClueless Newbie
CNCherokee Nations
CNCure Notice (Carrie Underwood fan site)
CNCiudad de Nápoles (Guatemala hospital)
CNCreatioNation (convergent media company promoting the arts and altruism)
CNColoracion Normal (Spanish: Normally Colored)
CNCooperativa Jesús Nazareno Ltda. (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
CNCarpal Narrowing
CNCasnicki Namjesnik (Croatian: Warrant Officer)
CNCras Noc'te (Tomorrow Night)