Acronym | Definition |
CNA | Certified Nursing Assistant |
CNA | Certified Novell Administrator |
CNA | Caisse Nationale des Autoroutes (French: National Motorways Fund; est. 1963) |
CNA | California Nurses Association |
CNA | Channel News Asia |
CNA | Canadian Nurses Association |
CNA | College of the North Atlantic (Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada) |
CNA | Converged Network Adapter |
CNA | Centre National de l'Audiovisuel (French: National Audiovisual Center; Luxembourg) |
CNA | Cyprus News Agency |
CNA | Comisión Nacional del Agua (México) |
CNA | Certified Network Associate |
CNA | Congresso Nacional Africano (Portuguese: African National Congress) |
CNA | Conseil National de l'Alimentation (French: National Food Council) |
CNA | Consiliului National al Audiovizualului (Romanian: National Audiovisual Council) |
CNA | Chief of Naval Air (US Navy) |
CNA | Central News Agency |
CNA | Capital Needs Assessment (various organizations) |
CNA | Conseil National des Assurances (French: National Insurance Council; various locations) |
CNA | Cinéma Numérique Ambulant (French: Mobile Digital Cinema; various locations) |
CNA | Confederacion Nacional Agraria (Spanish: National Agrarian Confederation; Peru) |
CNA | Community Needs Assessment (various locations) |
CNA | Comprehensive Needs Assessment (various organizations) |
CNA | Centre National des Arts (National Arts Centre - Canada) |
CNA | Center for Naval Analyses |
CNA | Confederação Nacional da Agricultura (Portugese: National Agriculture Confederation) |
CNA | Cisco Networking Academy |
CNA | Cercle National des Armées (French: National Circle of Armed Forces) |
CNA | Connecting Network Access |
CNA | Cisco Network Assistance |
CNA | Certified Netware Associate |
CNA | Canadian Newspaper Association |
CNA | Computer Network Attack |
CNA | Centro Nacional de las Artes (Mexico) |
CNA | Client Needs Analysis (various companies) |
CNA | Certificate of Non-Availability (US Navy) |
CNA | Certified Network Administrator |
CNA | Commission Nationale d'Arbitrage (French: National Arbitration Committee) |
CNA | Consejo Nacional Agropecuario (Spanish: National Agricultural Council; Mexico) |
CNA | Canadian Nuclear Association |
CNA | Confédération Nationale des Avocats (French: National Confederation of Lawyers) |
CNA | Centre National d'Alphabétisation (French: National Center for Literacy) |
CNA | Canadian Numbering Administrator |
CNA | Connecticut Nurses' Association |
CNA | Colorado Nurses' Association |
CNA | Certified NetWare Administrator |
CNA | Centrale Nucléaire des Ardennes (French: Ardennes Nuclear Power Plant; Ardennes, France) |
CNA | Cable Networks Akita (Japan) |
CNA | Could Not Attend (UK National Health Service) |
CNA | Customer Name and Address |
CNA | Canadian Numismatic Association |
CNA | Chin National Army |
CNA | Colorado Nonprofit Association (est. 1986) |
CNA | Center for Nonprofit Advancement (Washington, DC) |
CNA | Channel Not Available |
CNA | Convertisseur Numérique Analogique (French: Analogical Digitizer) |
CNA | Cellular Network Administration |
CNA | Central Nonprofit Agency (various locations) |
CNA | Carers National Association (UK) |
CNA | Canadian Naturopathic Association |
CNA | Computer Network Administrator (education) |
CNA | Colistin Nalidixic Agar |
CNA | Child Nutrition Act of 1966 |
CNA | Certified Nurse's Aid |
CNA | Climate Network Africa (Kenya) |
CNA | Certified in Nursing Administration |
CNA | Club Nautique d'Antibes (French sailing club) |
CNA | Consejo Nacional de Adopciones (Guatemala) |
CNA | Collective Negotiation Agreement |
CNA | Canadian National Anthem |
CNA | Code National d'Alerte (French: National Alert Code) |
CNA | Club Nautique Autunois (French water sports club) |
CNA | Constructions Nord Alsace (French construction company) |
CNA | Club Nautique Angevin (French sailing club) |
CNA | Communication Network Architecture |
CNA | Cognition Naturelle et Artificielle (French: Natural and Artificial Cognition) |
CNA | Campus Numérique des Alpes (French: Digital Campus of the Alps; education) |
CNA | Caspian News Agency |
CNA | Capabilities Needs Analysis (US DoD) |
CNA | Customer Needs Analysis |
CNA | Coordinates Not Available |
CNA | Coal and Allied |
CNA | Counter Narcotics Alliance (Arizona) |
CNA | Confederación Nacional Agronómica (Mexico) |
CNA | Cradle North America, Inc. (Beavercreek, OH) |
CNA | Consejo Nacional de la Alimentacion (Spanish) |
CNA | Certified Nursing Associate |
CNA | Centralized Network Administration (AMP) |
CNA | Chief Naval Architect |
CNA | Chicago Nurses Association |
CNA | Change of Name and Address |
CNA | Carrington Neighborhood Association (Waldorf, Maryland) |
CNA | Center for Nursing Advocacy, Inc (Baltimore, Maryland) |
CNA | Canadian Nanobusiness Alliance |
CNA | Cornea Plana |
CNA | Commander's Narrative Analysis |
CNA | Customer Network Address |
CNA | Code Not Allocated |
CNA | Conventional Nuclear Arms (Military WMD) |
CNA | Conference Notification Announcement |
CNA | Charles Nechtem Associates, Inc. |
CNA | Concilio Nacional de Asesores (Spanish: National Council of Advisors; Puerto Rico) |