Acronym | Definition |
CPET | Computer Engineering Technology |
CPET | Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing |
CPET | Center for Precollegiate Education and Training (University of Florida) |
CPET | Center for Political and Economic Thought (Saint Vincent College; Latrobe, PA) |
CPET | Central Point of Expertise on Timber (UK) |
CPET | Common Path of Egress Travel (exit) |
CPET | Crystalline Polyethylene Terephthalate |
CPET | Center for Positron Emission Tomography |
CPET | Catalog of Projects in Electronic Text |
CPET | Chemical Production Engineering Technology |
CPET | College Pierre Elliott Trudeau (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada high school) |
CPET | Combined Pre-Entrance Test (India) |
CPET | Canadian Partnership for Ethical Trading |
CPET | Chironomid Pupal Exuviae Technique |
CPET | Center for the Professional Education of Teachers |
CPET | Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Training (Australia) |
CPET | Contractor Performance Evaluation Team |
CPET | Center for Public Education and Training |
CPET | Canadian Pacific Express and Transport Ltd |
CPET | Chemical and Process Engineering Technology |
CPET | Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies (Washington, DC) |
CPET | Containment Phenomena Event Tree |
CPET | Corporate Program Evaluation Tool |
CPET | Commanders Planning and Execution Toolset |
CPET | Cardiff Protected Education Time (UK) |
CPET | Control Parameterization Enhancing Technique |