CPFCentral Provident Fund (Singapore)
CPFCanadian Parents for French
CPFCommon Power Format
CPFCollaborative Partnership on Forests
CPFCadastro de Pessoa Fisica
CPFCommunity Police Forum (South Africa)
CPFComodo Personal Firewall
CPFCertified Professional Forecaster (Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning)
CPFClassification des Produits Française (French: Classification of French Products)
CPFCalifornia Professional Firefighters
CPFCheck Point File
CPFCorner Preserving Formulation
CPFCells per Frame
CPFCommand Prefix
CPFComplete Fax
CPFConstrained Parameter Flag
CPFCisco Pix Firewall
CPFConseil Permanent de la Francophonie (French: Francophonie Permanent Council)
CPFContributory Pension Fund (various locations)
CPFCapital Protected Fund (various companies)
CPFCleft Palate Foundation
CPFCity Parks Foundation (New York)
CPFCaptain Planet Foundation (est. 1989)
CPFCertified Professional Facilitator
CPFCentral Processing Facility
CPFCertified Picture Framer (Professional Picture Framers Association)
CPFCumulative Probability Function
CPFCereal Partners France (French cereal company)
CPFClient Protection Fund (various organizations)
CPFCapital Preservation Fund (investment)
CPFCounty Professional Firefighters (various locations)
CPFCoalition for Patent Fairness (lobbying)
CPFCanadian Patrol Frigate
CPFCentral Park Forest (Wayland Baptist University; Phoenix, AZ)
CPFClub Porsche France (French automobile club)
CPFCaillebotis Polyester Français (French metal floor grating company)
CPFCycling Promotion Fund (Australia)
CPFCentre de Promotion par la Formation (French: Promotion Center for Training)
CPFClose Personal Friend
CPFCouleurs et Peintures de France (French: Colors and Paints of France; interior decorating company)
CPFCity Parochial Foundation (London, UK)
CPFContributory Provident Fund
CPFConseil Patrimoine Finance (French: Heritage Finance Council)
CPFChurch Pension Fund
CPFCivilian Personnel Flight
CPFCommunity Projects Fund (various locations)
CPFCalifornia Prison Focus
CPFControl Program Facility
CPFCustom Profile Field (social networking)
CPFCINCPACFLT (Commander-in-Chief, US Pacific Fleet)
CPFCity of Pflugerville (Texas)
CPFCalifornia Poultry Federation
CPFCancer Potency Factor
CPFComptoir des Produits Forestiers (French wood wholesaler)
CPFContract Preparation Form
CPFCentre de Pratiques Familiales (French: Family Practice Center)
CPFCentre Pénitentiaire pour Femmes (French: Women's Prison Center)
CPFCan Pigs Fly?
CPFComdirect Private Finance (Germany)
CPFCandle Power Forums
CPFCarcinogenic Potency Factor
CPFCalibration Parameter File
CPFCompagnie Pétrolière Familiale (French: Home Oil Company)
CPFCommercial Property Finance
CPFCritical Point Facility
CPFCost Plus Fee
CPFCommunity Papers of Florida
CPFCoupled-Pair Functional
CPFCorteza Prefrontal
CPFCommander in Chief, Pacific Fleet
CPFChance pour la France (French)
CPFCram Pass Forget
CPFControl Point Freight (railroads)
CPFCandle Power Forum
CPFCollective Peacekeeping Forces
CPFConsumption Possibility Frontier (international trade)
CPFCrystal Palace Foundation (Bromley, UK)
CPFCost Per Flight (NASA)
CPFCommunity Planning Forum
CPFCompatible Protocol Field
CPFCampaign for a Progressive Future
CPFCia Po Fari (Italian)
CPFCargo Processing Facility (NASA)
CPFCustom Picture Format
CPFContrat À Prix Fixe (Fixed Price Contract)
CPFCommander, US Pacific Fleet
CPFCopyproof Positive Film
CPFControlled Print File
CPFContractor Performance Factor
CPFCanadian Peregrin Foundation
CPFCentaur Processing Facility
CPFCenter for People's Forestry (India)
CPFConner Prairie Farm
CPFCentral Post Fund
CPFCommunity Pubs Foundation (UK)
CPFComplete Power Failure
CPFCentral Program Facility
CPFConfirmation Prototype Functional
CPFCheap Post Forum
CPFCuisines Prestige de France (French: Luxury Kitchens of France)
CPFCondensate Polishing Facility
CPFCommunity Policing Fund