Acronym | Definition |
DML | Data Manipulation Language (US DoD) |
DML | Digital Media Library (various organizations) |
DML | Délégation à la Mer et au Littoral (French: Delegation to the Sea and Coast) |
DML | Dayton Metro Library (Dayton, OH) |
DML | Development Markup Language |
DML | Database Manipulation Language |
DML | Declarative Markup Language |
DML | Data Manipulation Language |
DML | Digital Media Library |
DML | Demolition |
DML | Department of Modern Languages (various schools) |
DML | Doheny Memorial Library (University of Southern California) |
DML | Digital Mathematics Library |
DML | Dronning Maud Land (Antarctica) |
DML | Data Modification Language |
DML | Dragon Models Limited |
DML | Diagnostic Medlab (Auckland, NZ) |
DML | Devonport Management Limited (UK) |
DML | Direction de la Maintenance et de la Logistique (French: Directorate of Maintenance and Logistics) |
DML | Declarative Markup Language (computing) |
DML | Ducati Monster List (vehicle forum) |
DML | Directly Modulated Lasers |
DML | Distributed Measurement Laboratory |
DML | Distribution Messagerie Location (French: Mail Distribution Location) |
DML | Data Manipulation Logic |
DML | Développement Matériel Logiciel (French: Hardware Software Development) |
DML | DeLorean Mailing List |
DML | Demonstrated Master Logistician |
DML | Distinguished Microwave Lecturer (IEEE-MTT-S) |
DML | Deterministic Maximum Likelihood |
DML | Doctor of Modern Languages |
DML | Dialog Markup Language |
DML | Diploma in Modern Languages |
DML | International Development Markup Language |
DML | Dimensional Metrology Laboratory (Rocky Flats) |
DML | Defense Medical Logistics |
DML | Data Management Link (CAP Automation) |
DML | Director, Medical Logistics |
DML | Daughters of Saint Mary of Leuca |
DML | Distributed Multi Link |
DML | Depot Maintenance Liaison |
DML | Depot Maintenance Literature |
DML | Digital Mud Logging (geology) |
DML | Dedicated Management Link |
DML | Depot Maintenance Level |
DML | Distribution Management Level |
DML | Deferred Maintenance List |
DML | Digital Microscopy Leader (Mediterranean Association of International Schools Zoom Pre-Conference) |
DML | Des Moines Library (Seattle, WA) |
DML | Division of Materials Licensing (Atomic Energy Commission) |