Acronym | Definition |
DMO | Digimon Masters Online (gaming) |
DMO | Daily Method of Operation |
DMO | Destination Management Organization |
DMO | Defence Materiel Organisation (Australia) |
DMO | Debt Management Office (Bank of England) |
DMO | Densité Minérale Osseuse (French: Bone Mineral Density) |
DMO | Directorate of Military Operations (UK) |
DMO | Destination Marketing Organization |
DMO | Dienst Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling (Dutch: Department of Social Development) |
DMO | Sedalia Regional Airport (Sedalia, MO) |
DMO | Database Management Object |
DMO | Distributed Management Object |
DMO | Developing Markets Operations |
DMO | Direct X Media Object |
DMO | Debt Management Operations |
DMO | Diving Medical Officer |
DMO | Dental Maintenance Organization |
DMO | Distributed Mission Operations |
DMO | Demand Management Organization |
DMO | Direct Mode Operation |
DMO | Dip Moveout |
DMO | DirectX Media Object (Microsoft) |
DMO | Destination Management Organisation |
DMO | Deputy Minister's Office (Canada) |
DMO | District Malaria Officer (India) |
DMO | Domodedovo (Moscow, Russia airport code) |
DMO | Direct Model Output (forecasting) |
DMO | Defense MilPay Office (US Department of Defense) |
DMO | Devlet Malzeme Ofisi (Turkish: State Supply Office) |
DMO | Digital Media Online, Inc. |
DMO | Disease Management Organization |
DMO | Distributed Management Object (Microsoft SQL Server) |
DMO | Docks des Matériaux de l'Ouest (French construction company) |
DMO | Diffusion Machines Outils (French tool company) |
DMO | Directory Maintenance Official (US DoD) |
DMO | District Marine Officer (US Navy) |
DMO | District Meteorological Observatory (Japan Meteorological Agency) |
DMO | Department of Microwaves and Optics |
DMO | Dive Master Ocean (Android) |
DMO | Découpage Mécanique de l'Ouest (French mechanical engineering company) |
DMO | Dark Music Only (radio show) |
DMO | Delcorte Machine Outil (French mechanical engineering company) |
DMO | District Material Officer (US Navy) |
DMO | Direct Marketing Officer (job title) |
DMO | Dish Machine Operator |
DMO | Dementholized Oil (analagous to cornmint, used in the flavor industry) |
DMO | Dental Management Organization |
DMO | Digital Mockup |
DMO | Digital Money Order |
DMO | Directed Military Overstrength |
DMO | Designated Management Official |
DMO | Dento-Maxillaire Orthopaedie |
DMO | Defense Mobilization Order |
DMO | Desired Mode of Operation |
DMO | Delocalized Molecular Orbital |
DMO | Dedicated Mode of Operation |
DMO | Diode Microwave Oscillator |
DMO | Direct Methanol Oxidation |
DMO | Data Management Office/r |
DMO | Dynamic Movement Orthosis |
DMO | Data Management Order |
DMO | Director of Mortuary Operations |
DMO | Documents Management Office |
DMO | Directive Management Office |
DMO | District Medical Officer |
DMO | Detainee Movement Operation (US DoD) |
DMO | Deutscher Mieterbund eV |
DMO | Database Marketing Operations |
DMO | DCGS (Distributed Common Ground/Surface System) Management Office (US DoD) |
DMO | Domestic Market Obligation (Indonesian oil & gas) |