Acronym | Definition |
DMRA | Detroit Mountain Recreation Area, Inc. (Detroit Lakes, MN) |
DMRA | Downtown Minneapolis Residents Association (Minnesota) |
DMRA | Dynamic Market Risk Allocation |
DMRA | Digital Modulation Recognition Algorithm |
DMRA | Department of Migration and Refugee Affairs |
DMRA | Downtown and Midtown Residents Association (Houston, TX) |
DMRA | Dangerous Machines Regulation Act (India) |
DMRA | Dredge Material Relocation Area |
DMRA | Digital Modeling Rendering and Animation |
DMRA | Dalton Moran Robinson Architecture |
DMRA | Dragonfly Module Registraion Authority |
DMRA | Distributed Multipump Raman Amplifiers |
DMRA | Dauhphin Motorcycle Riders Association (Manitoba, Canada) |