Acronym | Definition |
CVT | Continuously Variable Transmission (automotive, sport, utility & hybrid vehicles) |
CVT | Continuously Variable Transmission (vehicles) |
CVT | Center for Victims of Torture |
CVT | Constant Velocity Transmission |
CVT | Converter |
CVT | Circuit Validation Test |
CVT | Continuously Variable Transmission |
CVT | Certified Veterinary Technician |
CVT | Capital Value Tax |
CVT | Continuing Vocational Training |
CVT | Constant Voltage Transformer |
CVT | Control Value Table |
CVT | Cardiovascular Technologist |
CVT | Cardiovascular Technician |
CVT | Club Veveysan de Tennis (French: Vevey Tennis Club; Vevey, Switzerland) |
CVT | Committee on Vocational Training (UK) |
CVT | Centre de Veille Technologique (French: Technology Watch Center; Luxembourg) |
CVT | Centre de Vacances et de Tourisme (French: Vacation and Tourism Center) |
CVT | Commercial Vehicle Telematics |
CVT | Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation |
CVT | Capacitor Voltage Transformer |
CVT | Current Value Table |
CVT | Coordinated Video Timings |
CVT | Congenital Vertical Talus (aka rocker-bottom foot deformity) |
CVT | Chemical Vapor Transport |
CVT | Communications Vector Table |
CVT | Chariton Valley Telephone (Bucklin, MO) |
CVT | Training Aircraft Carrier |
CVT | College du Val-de-Travers |
CVT | Controlled Variable Time |
CVT | Citizens for Voluntary Trade |
CVT | Collaborative Virtual Testing |
CVT | Creative Vision Technologies, Inc. |
CVT | Chess Visualization Training |
CVT | Code Version Table |
CVT | Cellular Video Transmitter |
CVT | Colorado Valley Transit |
CVT | Cerebrovascular Thrombosis |
CVT | Coosa Valley Technical Institute (Rome GA, USA) |
CVT | Center of Volcanic Textures |
CVT | Composite Vinyl Tile (flooring) |
CVT | Component Verification Tool |
CVT | Concept Verification Test |
CVT | Constant Velocity Target |
CVT | Continuous Verification and Testing |
CVT | Contractor Verification Testing |
CVT | Central Vermont Railway, Inc. |
CVT | Character Mode Virtual Terminal |
CVT | Control Volume Thermodynamics |
CVT | Clive Vale Translations |
CVT | Configuration Verification Test |
CVT | Capital Variance Template |
CVT | Columbia County, Wisconsin Civil Municipal Districts |
CVT | Certified Vascular Technologist |
CVT | Controlled Vulnerability Test |
CVT | Conformance Validation Test |
CVT | Cryptographic Verification Test |
CVT | Current to Voltage Transmitter |