Acronym | Definition |
CWC | Chemical Weapons Convention |
CWC | Cricket World Cup |
CWC | Central Wyoming College |
CWC | Cardigan Welsh Corgi (dogs) |
CWC | Child Welfare Committee (India) |
CWC | Calgary Winter Club (est. 1960; Calgary, Alberta, Canada) |
CWC | Club World Championship (sports; various organizations) |
CWC | Central Water Commission (India) |
CWC | Community Worship Center (various locations) |
CWC | Calvary Worship Center (Colorado Springs, CO) |
CWC | Counseling and Wellness Center (various locations) |
CWC | Cold-Water Coral (reefs) |
CWC | Citrix Web Console |
CWC | Ceylon Workers Congress (Sri Lanka) |
CWC | Canadian Wood Council (Conseil Canadien du Bois) |
CWC | Ceylon Workers' Congress (trade union; Sri Lanka) |
CWC | Child Welfare Centre (various organizations) |
CWC | Citizens Who Care (various locations) |
CWC | Concerned for Working Children (Bangalore, India) |
CWC | Congress Working Committee (Indian National Congress party) |
CWC | Cross World Connections (Japan) |
CWC | Centre for Wireless Communications (University of Waterloo) |
CWC | Concrete Weight Coating |
CWC | Canadian Women In Communications |
CWC | Club World Casinos (online gaming) |
CWC | Composite Wood Council |
CWC | Central Warehousing Corporation |
CWC | City of Wolverhampton College (UK) |
CWC | Clongowes Wood College (Ireland) |
CWC | Cold War Kids (band) |
CWC | Commission on Wartime Contracting (Arlington, VA; est. 2007) |
CWC | California Writers Club |
CWC | Condensed Water Content (atmospheric science) |
CWC | Community Water Company (Green Valley, AZ) |
CWC | Creative Writing Community (various locations) |
CWC | College Writing Center (various schools) |
CWC | Council for the Welfare of Children (Philippines) |
CWC | Contemporary World Cinema (various organizations) |
CWC | Commercial Window Cleaning (various locations) |
CWC | Center for Western Civilization (University of Colorado) |
CWC | Community Workers Co-operative (Ireland) |
CWC | Creative Writing Club |
CWC | California Walnut Commission |
CWC | Cutewithchris (website) |
CWC | Class Within a Class |
CWC | Crazy Woman Creek (Wyoming) |
CWC | Crosswave Communications, Inc. (Japan) |
CWC | Campus Writing Center (various schools) |
CWC | Christian Women's Club |
CWC | Certified Wound Care |
CWC | Cambridge Water Co. (UK) |
CWC | Composite Warfare Commander |
CWC | Center on Wrongful Convictions |
CWC | Customer Web Center |
CWC | Canandaigua Wine Company (New York) |
CWC | Collapsible Water Container (US NASA) |
CWC | Canal Wild Card |
CWC | Carnegie, Wylie & Company (Australia) |
CWC | California Welcome Centers |
CWC | Contingency Water Container |
CWC | Carlisle Wesleyan Church (Carlisle, PA) |
CWC | Congressional Wine Caucus |
CWC | CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective |
CWC | Campus-Wide Committee (various universities) |
CWC | Coffee with Conscience |
CWC | Centerra Wine Company (New York) |
CWC | Country Whence Consigned (trade) |
CWC | Condition-Wash-Condition (long hair cleansing method) |
CWC | Carolina Wildlife Care |
CWC | Compact Wavelength Compensator (Zygo Corp.) |
CWC | Carter-Wegman Counter (data encryption mode) |
CWC | Central Works Council (EU: body representing employees of a company with several establishments) |
CWC | Crowell, Weedon Co. (Los Angeles, CA) |
CWC | Cancer Wellness Center |
CWC | California Water Commission |
CWC | Classic Wing Club |
CWC | Constant Weight Code |
CWC | Crosswinds Church (Dublin, California) |
CWC | Cyclotron Wave Converter |
CWC | Consumers Water Company (USA) |
CWC | Civilian Welfare Council |
CWC | Cadet Wing Commander (military college cadet MFWIC) |
CWC | Contingency Waste Container (NASA) |
CWC | Combat Weather Center |
CWC | Christian Women's Coalition |
CWC | Cleared While Checking |
CWC | Cool Weather Clustering (apiculture) |
CWC | Central Wisconsin Christian School |
CWC | Complex-Valued W-H (Walsh-Hadamard) Codes |
CWC | Calibrating Work Center |
CWC | Caribbean Workers Council |
CWC | Chicago Worker’s Collaborative |
CWC | Centrex Wiring Charge |
CWC | Cass Walleye Classic (fishing contest) |
CWC | Christian Women Concern (Uganda) |