Acronym | Definition |
ALE | Automatic Link Establishment |
ALE | Application Link Enabling |
ALE | Adult Learning and Education |
ALE | Applicable Large Employer (US IRS) |
ALE | Atomic Layer Epitaxy |
ALE | Alewife (FAO fish species code) |
ALE | Alleanza Libera Europea (Italian: European Free Alliance) |
ALE | Agence Locale pour l'Emploi (Belgium) |
ALE | Alternative Learning Experience |
ALE | Address Latch Enable |
ALE | Attribute Logic Engine |
ALE | Advanced Linux Environment |
ALE | Application Link Enabled |
ALE | Ancestry Library Edition (genealogical database) |
ALE | Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (tour company; Salt Lake City, UT) |
ALE | Agence Locale de l'Energie (French: Local Energy Agency) |
ALE | Alcohol Law Enforcement |
ALE | Avid Log Exchange (software) |
ALE | Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts |
ALE | Advanced Lipoxidation End-Product (biochemistry) |
ALE | Alliance Libre Européenne (French: European Free Alliance) |
ALE | Additional Living Expense (insurance) |
ALE | Auditors' Local Evaluation (UK) |
ALE | Application Level Event |
ALE | Automatic Link Exchange (software) |
ALE | Association Liégeoise d'Electricité (French: Liege Electricity Association; Liege, Belgium) |
ALE | Attribute-Logic Engine |
ALE | Aviation Logistics Environment |
ALE | Assistance League of the Eastside (Redmond, WA) |
ALE | Annual Loss Expectancy |
ALE | Arid Lands Ecology Reserve |
ALE | Airlift Liaison Element (US DoD) |
ALE | Advanced Learning Environment |
ALE | Anti-Lamenessing Engine (images) |
ALE | Ajax Linking & Embedding (software) |
ALE | Adaptive Line Enhancement (technique) |
ALE | Application Launching and Embedding (Citrix technology to present data to users) |
ALE | Address Lifetime Expectation (IETF) |
ALE | Arctic Learning Environment |
ALE | Apple Lossless Encoding |
ALE | Application Linking and Embedding |
ALE | Arbitrary Langrangian-Eulerian (code) |
ALE | Alarm Enable |
ALE | Automated Link Establishment |
ALE | Alpine, TX, USA - Alpine Texas (Airport Code) |
ALE | Army Liaison Element (US Army) |
ALE | Air Launched Expendable |
ALE | Airport Lighting Equipment |
ALE | Atmospheric Lifetimes Experiment |
ALE | AIRES Lifecycle Extension |
ALE | Automatic Live Encoding |
ALE | Agencia Laín Entralgo (Madrid, Spain) |
ALE | Ammunition Lethality Enhancement |
ALE | Approvals Liaison Engineer |
ALE | Atmospheric Luminosity Experiment |
ALE | Arizona LAN Enthusiasts |
ALE | Automatic Link Equipment |
ALE | Applied Learning Experience |
ALE | Active Launching and Embedding (Citrix Systems) |
ALE | ATM Link Enhancer |
ALE | Always Leave Early (sports) |
ALE | Account Level Equivalence (computer security) |
ALE | Add Link Exchange (software) |
ALE | Airport Landing Equipment |
ALE | Automated Logistics Environment (US DoD) |