ALEAutomatic Link Establishment
ALEApplication Link Enabling
ALEAdult Learning and Education
ALEApplicable Large Employer (US IRS)
ALEAtomic Layer Epitaxy
ALEAlewife (FAO fish species code)
ALEAlleanza Libera Europea (Italian: European Free Alliance)
ALEAgence Locale pour l'Emploi (Belgium)
ALEAlternative Learning Experience
ALEAddress Latch Enable
ALEAttribute Logic Engine
ALEAdvanced Linux Environment
ALEApplication Link Enabled
ALEAncestry Library Edition (genealogical database)
ALEAntarctic Logistics & Expeditions (tour company; Salt Lake City, UT)
ALEAgence Locale de l'Energie (French: Local Energy Agency)
ALEAlcohol Law Enforcement
ALEAvid Log Exchange (software)
ALEAtlanta Linux Enthusiasts
ALEAdvanced Lipoxidation End-Product (biochemistry)
ALEAlliance Libre Européenne (French: European Free Alliance)
ALEAdditional Living Expense (insurance)
ALEAuditors' Local Evaluation (UK)
ALEApplication Level Event
ALEAutomatic Link Exchange (software)
ALEAssociation Liégeoise d'Electricité (French: Liege Electricity Association; Liege, Belgium)
ALEAttribute-Logic Engine
ALEAviation Logistics Environment
ALEAssistance League of the Eastside (Redmond, WA)
ALEAnnual Loss Expectancy
ALEArid Lands Ecology Reserve
ALEAirlift Liaison Element (US DoD)
ALEAdvanced Learning Environment
ALEAnti-Lamenessing Engine (images)
ALEAjax Linking & Embedding (software)
ALEAdaptive Line Enhancement (technique)
ALEApplication Launching and Embedding (Citrix technology to present data to users)
ALEAddress Lifetime Expectation (IETF)
ALEArctic Learning Environment
ALEApple Lossless Encoding
ALEApplication Linking and Embedding
ALEArbitrary Langrangian-Eulerian (code)
ALEAlarm Enable
ALEAutomated Link Establishment
ALEAlpine, TX, USA - Alpine Texas (Airport Code)
ALEArmy Liaison Element (US Army)
ALEAir Launched Expendable
ALEAirport Lighting Equipment
ALEAtmospheric Lifetimes Experiment
ALEAIRES Lifecycle Extension
ALEAutomatic Live Encoding
ALEAgencia Laín Entralgo (Madrid, Spain)
ALEAmmunition Lethality Enhancement
ALEApprovals Liaison Engineer
ALEAtmospheric Luminosity Experiment
ALEArizona LAN Enthusiasts
ALEAutomatic Link Equipment
ALEApplied Learning Experience
ALEActive Launching and Embedding (Citrix Systems)
ALEATM Link Enhancer
ALEAlways Leave Early (sports)
ALEAccount Level Equivalence (computer security)
ALEAdd Link Exchange (software)
ALEAirport Landing Equipment
ALEAutomated Logistics Environment (US DoD)