Acronym | Definition |
CNE | Contrat Nouvelle Embauche (France) |
CNE | Certified NetWare Engineer |
CNE | Certified Negotiation Expert (real estate) |
CNE | Consejo Nacional Electoral (Venezuela) |
CNE | Chinese New Ear (rock music; various locations) |
CNE | Continuing Nursing Education |
CNE | Canadian National Exhibition |
CNE | Comisión Nacional de Energía (Spanish: National Energy Commission) |
CNE | Certified Novell Engineer |
CNE | Comité National de l'Eau (French: National Water Committee) |
CNE | Comissão Nacional de Eleições (National Election Commission of Portugal) |
CNE | Conseil National de l'Emballage (French: National Packaging Council) |
CNE | Coordination Nationale Étudiante (French: National Student Coordination) |
CNE | Canada New England |
CNE | Corpo Nacional de Escutas (Portugal Catholic Scouts Association) |
CNE | Compagnie Nationale des Experts (French: National Company of Experts) |
CNE | Centre National d'Exposition (French: National Exhibition Center) |
CNE | Chief Nurse Executive |
CNE | China New Energy |
CNE | Certified Nurse Educator |
CNE | Certified Network Engineer |
CNE | Centre for the New Europe |
CNE | Computer Network Exploitation |
CNE | Constellation NewEnergy (est. 1995) |
CNE | Cherokee Nation Enterprises |
CNE | Community Nutrition Education (various organizations) |
CNE | Centrale Nationale des Employés (Belgium) |
CNE | Corporate Network Edition |
CNE | Conserved Noncoding Element (biology) |
CNE | Computer Network Engineer |
CNE | Center for Neural Engineering (USC) |
CNE | Center Network Environment |
CNE | Center for Neuroeconomics (New York University) |
CNE | Conference on Neural Engineering |
CNE | Consejo Nacional de la Energía (Spain) |
CNE | Comité Nationale d'Evaluation |
CNE | Commander in Chief, Naval Forces Europe |
CNE | Carrier Noise Estimator |
CNE | Cable Network Engineer |
CNE | Centre National de l'Entreprenariat (French: National Center for Entepreneurship) |
CNE | Cartoon Network East (TV network) |
CNE | Communications Node Equipment (Global Ballistic Missile Defense) |
CNE | National Center for Equipment (Haiti) |
CNE | Continuous Noise Environment |
CNE | Clinical Nurse Executive |